Contact Details
To buy tickets for Fringe events, see the information here.
If you want help putting a show into Bath Fringe 2015, see the information here.
If you’re interested in the Visual Arts Programme, these events are run to a different timetable and by different people to the Performance part of the Fringe. You should find more about that on their website:
We have a press & communications officer, Steve Henwood:
If you want these listings in a different form, pictures, more details on individual artists and events, or if you’d be interested in interviewing any Fringe 2016 performers, do get in touch. Telephone and EMail messages are monitored daily from January to June. Tell us how we can help!!
Email: press[AT]
We are always interested in meeting or corresponding with other festivals who feel they’ve got something in common with something we do. If you’re interested in visiting Bath during festival time we may be able to help, and with inside track advice too… If you’re in the same trade at the same scale you’ll appreciate that all this gets more difficult when the festival is upon us!
EMail: pro[AT]
If you need any different information, try contacting the Fringe office:
Postal Address:
Bath Fringe
103 Walcot Street
01225 480079
Please fill in the form below, which gets the quickest response:
(if you need to send us something with attachments rather than links, use admin[AT]