Theatre & Cabaret

Listings for all events in Theatre at all venues on all dates

Saturday 28th May 2016

Radstock town centre

Price: Free
Start time: 12:00

Round-about Radstock

Back by popular demand DNA arts takes you on a journey of exploration. Round-about Radstock is a day of free arts activities, workshops, performance, live music, dance, street theatre and food, all taking place in unusual locations across the town from 12 noon - 6pm. Perfect for the family on May bank holiday weekend. Will you complete the trail and win the prizes? For more information More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £5 / 3 Concs
Start time: 16:00

OnSet Productions present

A Dog's Life

Four dogs lie in cages in an animal shelter. A woman visits the shelter to choose a dog, a choice that could mean life or death for the oldest, Ben.
More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £7 / 5 Concs
Start time: 18:00

OnSet Productions present

About a Goth

Nick is 17, a goth and very gay. His misadventures include working with old people, being in love with his straight mate, and hating his family for refusing to reject him due to his sexuality. Less a comedy
about coming out, more one of coming to terms with oneself!
More info and booking...

Sunday 29th May 2016

Burdall's Yard

Price: £8 / £6 concs
Start time: 14:00

Running Dog Theatre

Wanna Dance With Somebody! Or, A Guide to Managing Social Anxiety Using Theoretical Physics

Josh is good at dancing, but not at people. On the other hand he did once read ‘A Brief History of Time’ by Stephen Hawking so he reckons he’ll probably be alright.
A new show about social anxiety, coping mechanisms, big ideas and how they impact on small things. About taking chances. And about dancing.

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £5 / 3 Concs
Start time: 18:00

OnSet Productions present

A Dog's Life

Four dogs lie in cages in an animal shelter. A woman visits the shelter to choose a dog, a choice that could mean life or death for the oldest, Ben.
More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £8 / £6
Start time: 20:00

Bianca Bertalot in

Cinco Coisas

“A solo show that fuses psychology and clowning.
Cinco Coisas is inspired by the five basic developmental needs
of a child – Place, Nurturing, Support, Protection and Limitation. Through dance, play, clowning and improvisation it proposes to lead the audience on a purely human experience.”
More info and booking...

Monday 30th May 2016

Burdall's Yard

Price: £8 / £6
Start time: 14:00

Bianca Bertalot in

Cinco Coisas

“A solo show that fuses psychology and clowning.
Cinco Coisas is inspired by the five basic developmental needs
of a child – Place, Nurturing, Support, Protection and Limitation. Through dance, play, clowning and improvisation it proposes to lead the audience on a purely human experience.”
More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £5 / 3 Concs
Start time: 16:00

OnSet Productions present


A love story that knew no bounds is now challenged by circumstances beyond Josh’s control. Isabella
took a long look in the mirror, and a long look at her life. She was unhappy, but now she finally
understands why. She is meant to be a boy. A heart-warming story of transition, acceptance, love
and testosterone.
More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £8 / £6 concs
Start time: 18:00

Running Dog Theatre

Wanna Dance With Somebody! Or, A Guide to Managing Social Anxiety Using Theoretical Physics

Josh is good at dancing, but not at people. On the other hand he did once read ‘A Brief History of Time’ by Stephen Hawking so he reckons he’ll probably be alright.
A new show about social anxiety, coping mechanisms, big ideas and how they impact on small things. About taking chances. And about dancing.

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £7 / 5 Concs
Start time: 20:00

OnSet Productions present

About a Goth

Nick is 17, a goth and very gay. His misadventures include working with old people, being in love with his straight mate, and hating his family for refusing to reject him due to his sexuality. Less a comedy
about coming out, more one of coming to terms with oneself!
More info and booking...

Tuesday 31st May 2016

Burdall's Yard

Price: £5 / 3 Concs
Start time: 16:00

OnSet Productions present

Boxed Up

A group of individuals each suffering with a deep issue that they can’t seem to talk to anyone about. Each character is on their lunch break, as they open up about their issues we gradually witness their lives fall apart. ‘Boxed up’ shows the importance of opening up in this visually-beautiful, collaborative new play. Written, produced, directed and acted by the players from REGENERATE! Theatre Company More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £5 / 3 Concs
Start time: 18:00

OnSet Productions present


A love story that knew no bounds is now challenged by circumstances beyond Josh’s control. Isabella
took a long look in the mirror, and a long look at her life. She was unhappy, but now she finally
understands why. She is meant to be a boy. A heart-warming story of transition, acceptance, love
and testosterone.
More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £7 (Full Price) £5(Concessions) £3(Bath Spa Students)
Start time: 20:00

The Rue Theatre presents

The Dead Boat On Wheels

Are you scared to die? The Dead Boat on Wheels is a gritty performance that takes you through the river Styx in a hospital bed, anno 2016. Based on the research of an arts facilitator who worked with terminally ill patients, the performance faces questions surrounding death head on, and opens up the conversation about death and bereavement in a medicalized world.

Extra info: 12+

More info and booking...

Wednesday 1st June 2016

Burdall's Yard

Price: £5 / 3 Concs
Start time: 16:00

OnSet Productions present


The tides of life can sometimes pull you under... Waves overhead, shimmering stillness below, swimming in aquatic wonders. The constant stutter of the ocean reflects and distorts every moment... every movement. This is a physical theatre piece that explores body/mind and the struggle of keeping your head above the water. More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £5.00
Start time: 18:00

Under Two Floorboards

Is it Tabu?

A new show by Roman Bloodworth and Rikki Howard

Like 'Waiting for Godot' on speed, this hilarious and moving new show revealing the dramas that transpire when an old TV actress from Hi-De-Hi and a young classical actor get together and stage their own play. Confronting issues of age, gender and prejudice. More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £5 / 3 Concs
Start time: 20:00

OnSet Productions present

Boxed Up

A group of individuals each suffering with a deep issue that they can’t seem to talk to anyone about. Each character is on their lunch break, as they open up about their issues we gradually witness their lives fall apart. ‘Boxed up’ shows the importance of opening up in this visually-beautiful, collaborative new play. Written, produced, directed and acted by the players from REGENERATE! Theatre Company More info and booking...

Thursday 2nd June 2016

Burdall's Yard

Price: £5 / 3 Concs
Start time: 18:00

OnSet Productions present


The tides of life can sometimes pull you under... Waves overhead, shimmering stillness below, swimming in aquatic wonders. The constant stutter of the ocean reflects and distorts every moment... every movement. This is a physical theatre piece that explores body/mind and the struggle of keeping your head above the water. More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £5.00
Start time: 20:00

Under Two Floorboards

Is it Tabu?

A new show by Roman Bloodworth and Rikki Howard

Like 'Waiting for Godot' on speed, this hilarious and moving new show revealing the dramas that transpire when an old TV actress from Hi-De-Hi and a young classical actor get together and stage their own play. Confronting issues of age, gender and prejudice. More info and booking...

The Bell

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Fake Escape Presents a 20:20 Vision Theatre Experience

DEADLY: 7 Plays / 7 Sins

Gluttony. Envy. Pride. Greed. Sloth. Lust. Wrath.

For thousands of years, these seven simple words have served to describe the most extreme elements of the human condition. We have always been fallible since the dawn of man, and we continue to possess a strange fascination with the more questionable sides of our nature. This collection of stories from around the world shines a contemporary light on behaviour often best left in the dark. More info and booking...

Friday 3rd June 2016

The Museum of Bath at Work

Price: £8 / £5 concs
Start time: 19:30

Bath University Student Theatre


Directed by Jamie Leich

“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark”... Vengeful Hamlet, haunted by his father’s Ghost and his own melancholy, seeks justice against his uncle who has usurped the throne and taken the Queen as his wife. Set in a 20th Century dictatorship, this shortened Shakespearean classic explores treachery, love, madness and revenge. More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £8 full price, £6 conc, £4 BSU students
Start time: 20:00

Rapscallion Theatre Company and Old Bag Theatre Company present

Dare to Care

By Sarah Curwen and Clare Reddaway

Two new plays using fast-paced comedy, verbatim text, lyrical movement, and a cappella singing to tell the stories of two women who dare to care. Rachel Carson, who stood up to the powerful agro-chemical industry, and Camila Batmanghelidgh of Kids Company, her rise and fall More info and booking...

The Bell

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Fake Escape Presents a 20:20 Vision Theatre Experience

DEADLY: 7 Plays / 7 Sins

Gluttony. Envy. Pride. Greed. Sloth. Lust. Wrath.

For thousands of years, these seven simple words have served to describe the most extreme elements of the human condition. We have always been fallible since the dawn of man, and we continue to possess a strange fascination with the more questionable sides of our nature. This collection of stories from around the world shines a contemporary light on behaviour often best left in the dark. More info and booking...

Prior Park

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 21:00
Doors open: 19:30

Kilter Theatre presents

The Darkling Society

A Play. Outside. After Dark.

Stay up late tonight, pack a torch, and make a pilgrimage into the great outdoors. As the sun sets over Bath, join a band of musicians and outsiders for an expedition like no other! Cosy up as darkness falls and watch the wonder and wisdom of the night unfold before your very eyes! More info and booking...

Saturday 4th June 2016

Burdall's Yard

Price: £8 full price, £6 conc, £4 BSU students
Start time: 14:00

Rapscallion Theatre Company and Old Bag Theatre Company present

Dare to Care

By Sarah Curwen and Clare Reddaway

Two new plays using fast-paced comedy, verbatim text, lyrical movement, and a cappella singing to tell the stories of two women who dare to care. Rachel Carson, who stood up to the powerful agro-chemical industry, and Camila Batmanghelidgh of Kids Company, her rise and fall More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £5 / 3 Concs
Start time: 16:00

OnSet Productions present

Inward Ripples

It’s funny; you’re ready to let someone go, and they sail right back to you. Water under the bridge? You wish. First a memory, then a thought... then want.
Meet Boy. Boy wants Girl.
More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £5 / 3 Concs
Start time: 18:00

OnSet Productions present

Dear Me

If you could write a letter to your younger self, what would you say? With thousands of places and faces woven into a colourful patchwork in your mind, what do you choose to share and what stays hidden in the bottom of a dusty cardboard box. Dear Me invites you back to a place in your memory - why don’t you open the door and see what’s waiting inside? More info and booking...

The Museum of Bath at Work

Price: £8 / £5 concs
Start time: 19:30

Bath University Student Theatre

Good Morning, Bill

PG Wodehouse, Directed by Monica Cox

A farce which will leave your cheeks aching from laughter. Bill is holidaying where he's met an attractive, but common young girl, Lottie. Sensing her charms are diminishing, Lottie has a fit of hysterics and Doctor Sally is called in. From then on numerous complications arise… More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £5 / 3 Concs
Start time: 20:00

OnSet Productions present

Nobody Suspects a Murder

A musical murder mystery set in 1935. A pompous upper class family are grief stricken after receiving news of Granny’s death. That is until an even more pompous Inspector starts to uncover the truth. Whodunit? Everyone is a suspect - even the band!! More info and booking...

The Bell

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Fake Escape Presents a 20:20 Vision Theatre Experience

DEADLY: 7 Plays / 7 Sins

Gluttony. Envy. Pride. Greed. Sloth. Lust. Wrath.

For thousands of years, these seven simple words have served to describe the most extreme elements of the human condition. We have always been fallible since the dawn of man, and we continue to possess a strange fascination with the more questionable sides of our nature. This collection of stories from around the world shines a contemporary light on behaviour often best left in the dark. More info and booking...

Prior Park

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 21:00
Doors open: 19:30

Kilter Theatre presents

The Darkling Society

A Play. Outside. After Dark.

Stay up late tonight, pack a torch, and make a pilgrimage into the great outdoors. As the sun sets over Bath, join a band of musicians and outsiders for an expedition like no other! Cosy up as darkness falls and watch the wonder and wisdom of the night unfold before your very eyes! More info and booking...

Sunday 5th June 2016

Burdall's Yard

Price: £5 / 3 Concs
Start time: 16:00

OnSet Productions present

When Will it be Me?

Freddie Sinclair is having a mid life crisis at 27. With the pressure of settling down and finding a ‘real job’ becoming a terrifying reality, he decides to up-sticks and go to Ecuador to fulfil his travelling dreams, enjoy a life of no commitment and fill his days with frivolity and all round good times. Our story follows the people he has left behind; his mum, his best friend and his older sibling; in their jealousies over his ‘success’. More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £5 / 3 Concs
Start time: 18:00

OnSet Productions present

Inward Ripples

It’s funny; you’re ready to let someone go, and they sail right back to you. Water under the bridge? You wish. First a memory, then a thought... then want.
Meet Boy. Boy wants Girl.
More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre

Price: £10 (£7 concs)
Start time: 19:00
Doors open: 18:45

South West Dance Theatre presents

Lady MacBeth

with Edson Burton and Sandra Barefoot

Success but at what price? We harness a triad of eloquent dance, dextrous prose and animated signing to spin a tale of avarice and murder. Ballet, street, contemporary dance, Latin, poetry, speech and British Sign language for the deaf all intertwine in an epic retelling of Shakespeare’s timeless classic. More info and booking...

The Museum of Bath at Work

Price: £8 / £5 concs
Start time: 19:30

Bath University Student Theatre


Directed by Jamie Leich

“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark”... Vengeful Hamlet, haunted by his father’s Ghost and his own melancholy, seeks justice against his uncle who has usurped the throne and taken the Queen as his wife. Set in a 20th Century dictatorship, this shortened Shakespearean classic explores treachery, love, madness and revenge. More info and booking...

Monday 6th June 2016

Burdall's Yard

Price: £7 (Full Price) £5(Concessions) £3(Bath Spa Students)
Start time: 18:00

The Rue Theatre presents

The Dead Boat On Wheels

Are you scared to die? The Dead Boat on Wheels is a gritty performance that takes you through the river Styx in a hospital bed, anno 2016. Based on the research of an arts facilitator who worked with terminally ill patients, the performance faces questions surrounding death head on, and opens up the conversation about death and bereavement in a medicalized world.

Extra info: 12+

More info and booking...

The Museum of Bath at Work

Price: £8 / £5 concs
Start time: 19:30

Bath University Student Theatre

Good Morning, Bill

PG Wodehouse, Directed by Monica Cox

A farce which will leave your cheeks aching from laughter. Bill is holidaying where he's met an attractive, but common young girl, Lottie. Sensing her charms are diminishing, Lottie has a fit of hysterics and Doctor Sally is called in. From then on numerous complications arise… More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £5 / 3 Concs
Start time: 20:00

OnSet Productions present


A troubled writer struggles, pushing through roadblocks in both his personal and professional life. As he becomes frustrated he creates a reflection of himself, one that is impulsive, confident and successful in his endeavours. When he falls in love with a girl at his work, the reflection begins to act erratically and the man realises he is losing control of himself. More info and booking...

Tuesday 7th June 2016

Burdall's Yard

Price: £5 / 3 Concs
Start time: 16:00

OnSet Productions present

Roommate with my Demons

All of us want to seem normal. We all want to be perceived as though on the path that we have set ourselves.But what happens when your inner demons are trying to break through? Can you keep your inflictions within, or do they end up consuming you? More info and booking...

Friends Meeting House

Price: £8
Start time: 17:30
Doors open: 17:00

By Olly Fry

I, Hooky

a 1hr show.

I HOOKY, an hour long two men Frantic and darkly comic quest between Olly Fry and the maniacal mad creation of J.M. Barrie's. Captain James Hook.
Our mission, to remember the point where we leave behind childhood forever.
Contains strong language, awfully acted death scenes and a disgustingly cute ending.

Extra info: Does contain strong language.

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £5 / 3 Concs
Start time: 18:00

OnSet Productions present

Nobody Suspects a Murder

A musical murder mystery set in 1935. A pompous upper class family are grief stricken after receiving news of Granny’s death. That is until an even more pompous Inspector starts to uncover the truth. Whodunit? Everyone is a suspect - even the band!! More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £5 / 3 Concs
Start time: 20:00

OnSet Productions present

Dear Me

If you could write a letter to your younger self, what would you say? With thousands of places and faces woven into a colourful patchwork in your mind, what do you choose to share and what stays hidden in the bottom of a dusty cardboard box. Dear Me invites you back to a place in your memory - why don’t you open the door and see what’s waiting inside? More info and booking...

Wednesday 8th June 2016

Burdall's Yard

Price: £5 / 3 Concs
Start time: 16:00

OnSet Productions present

Roommate with my Demons

All of us want to seem normal. We all want to be perceived as though on the path that we have set ourselves.But what happens when your inner demons are trying to break through? Can you keep your inflictions within, or do they end up consuming you? More info and booking...

Friends Meeting House

Price: £8
Start time: 17:30
Doors open: 17:00

By Olly Fry

I, Hooky

a 1hr show.

I HOOKY, an hour long two men Frantic and darkly comic quest between Olly Fry and the maniacal mad creation of J.M. Barrie's. Captain James Hook.
Our mission, to remember the point where we leave behind childhood forever.
Contains strong language, awfully acted death scenes and a disgustingly cute ending.

Extra info: Does contain strong language

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £3; £5; £7
Start time: 18:00

Spontaneous Theatre Company presents


with Lindsey Garwood and Nathan Keates

This two-headed hippopotamus is a playful animal that clowns around, opposing and agreeing with itself in altering moods. Hippos are beautiful, yet deadly creatures, coming from a need for self-defense, like humans. This isn't the only reason either are aggressive. Our two-headed hippo is a hypocrite. More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £7 (Full Price) £5(Concessions) £3(Bath Spa Students)
Start time: 20:00

The Rue Theatre presents

The Dead Boat On Wheels

Are you scared to die? The Dead Boat on Wheels is a gritty performance that takes you through the river Styx in a hospital bed, anno 2016. Based on the research of an arts facilitator who worked with terminally ill patients, the performance faces questions surrounding death head on, and opens up the conversation about death and bereavement in a medicalized world.

Extra info: 12+, Seminar Afterwards

More info and booking...

Thursday 9th June 2016


Price: Free
Start time: 19:00
Doors open: 18:45

Tinned Pizza Company

As You Like It

Something is stirring in the winter wind around the Forest of Arden. It is love in all its complexities. Love is in the air for the young and free. Come hither, drink with the Duke, and listen to a winter’s tale in this new student production. More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £3; £5; £7
Start time: 20:00

Spontaneous Theatre Company presents


with Lindsey Garwood and Nathan Keates

This two-headed hippopotamus is a playful animal that clowns around, opposing and agreeing with itself in altering moods. Hippos are beautiful, yet deadly creatures, coming from a need for self-defense, like humans. This isn't the only reason either are aggressive. Our two-headed hippo is a hypocrite. More info and booking...

The Museum of Bath at Work

Price: £5
Start time: 20:00

Sylvia Hunt

Dog Show

Coiffed and teased to perfection, clipped and trimmed in all the right
places Sylvia Hunt's Dog Show is a fabulous 60 minutes of canine high jinks & biscuit slobbering joy. . Humorous, hilarious and painfully poignant this show explores the complex, co-dependant relationship we share with our canine companions. "an absolute gem of a show" Theatre Bath

More info and booking...

Friday 10th June 2016

Burdall's Yard

Price: £5 / 3 Concs
Start time: 16:00

OnSet Productions present

Fear of God

Copenhagen 1518, people are starving, homeless and sick with disease. Marin and Annette have run out of food, they don’t know when they will eat again. Both believe in very different solutions to their plight
and they are forced to take desperate measures in order to survive. Meanwhile outside, their neighbours
start to dance...
More info and booking...

Sorry, this event is cancelled

Burdall's Yard

Price: £8; £7; £6
Start time: 18:00

Tayo Aluko and Friends Present

Just An Ordinary Lawyer

Written and performed by Tayo Aluko

He is Britain’s first Black judge. He is also a fine singer and keen cricket lover. Tunji Sowande is not a political man – just an ordinary lawyer, he says. Finding himself stranded in the heart of empire, he muses on Black liberation struggles worldwide, contributing only through his music. More info and booking...


Price: Free
Start time: 19:00
Doors open: 18:45

Tinned Pizza Company

As You Like It

Something is stirring in the winter wind around the Forest of Arden. It is love in all its complexities. Love is in the air for the young and free. Come hither, drink with the Duke, and listen to a winter’s tale in this new student production. More info and booking...

Rondo Theatre

Price: £14 full price £12 concession
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Hambledon Productions with the kind support of The Tommy Estate and Vicky Cooper presents

Just Like That! The Tommy Cooper Show

The Smash Hit West End Tribute Show

Tommy Cooper, with his impeccable timing, misfiring magic, and quick-fire gags was an international star.
"JLT!" is touring nationwide after sell-out success in the West End. Featuring John Hewer giving "a perfect illusion of time travel" as the man in the fez, this is the perfect celebration of Britain's favourite comedian. More info and booking...

The Museum of Bath at Work

Price: £5
Start time: 20:00

Sylvia Hunt

Dog Show

Coiffed and teased to perfection, clipped and trimmed in all the right
places Sylvia Hunt's Dog Show is a fabulous 60 minutes of canine high jinks & biscuit slobbering joy. . Humorous, hilarious and painfully poignant this show explores the complex, co-dependant relationship we share with our canine companions. "an absolute gem of a show" Theatre Bath

More info and booking...

Natural Theatre Studio

Price: £8
Start time: 20:00

Modest Geniuses

Dying to Please You

We have devised this mortally funny piece of theatre exploring the comedy behind death, dying and grief. Through music, dance and physical theatre we hope to interpret the world of death and dying as gentle and ridiculous. This project is an exploration into the question: Can we laugh in the face of death? More info and booking...

Prior Park

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 21:00
Doors open: 19:30

Kilter Theatre presents

The Darkling Society

A Play. Outside. After Dark.

Stay up late tonight, pack a torch, and make a pilgrimage into the great outdoors. As the sun sets over Bath, join a band of musicians and outsiders for an expedition like no other! Cosy up as darkness falls and watch the wonder and wisdom of the night unfold before your very eyes! More info and booking...

Saturday 11th June 2016

The Bell - Love Lounge (Back bar)

Price: Free
Start time: 16:00

The Oxymoron

The Oxymoron

The Oxymoron on line alternative comedy club live!

The Oxymoron on line alternative comedy club, found as a group on Facebook. Emerges from cyberspace to present a live comedy show, featuring members of the club and guests.
This show will be streamed live via The Bell,Bath UK. Donation on the door
The word on the street (or, rather, the pub garden) is that there are still some slots but they're filling up fast! More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: Full Price: £5 Concessions: £3
Start time: 16:00

James Elston in

Krapp's Last Tape

Written by Samuel Beckett

James Elston is KRAPP. No really, he is Krapp.

Following the destructive nature an addiction for the past can have on the present, and the future. Accepting that his life is coming to an end, Krapp listens to his old tape recordings in hope of finding happiness and comfort within them. What follows is something far worse. . .

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £5 / 3 Concs
Start time: 18:00

OnSet Productions present

Fear of God

Copenhagen 1518, people are starving, homeless and sick with disease. Marin and Annette have run out of food, they don’t know when they will eat again. Both believe in very different solutions to their plight
and they are forced to take desperate measures in order to survive. Meanwhile outside, their neighbours
start to dance...
More info and booking...

Sorry, this event is cancelled

Burdall's Yard

Price: £8; £7; £6
Start time: 20:00

Tayo Aluko and Friends Present

Just An Ordinary Lawyer

Written and performed by Tayo Aluko

He is Britain’s first Black judge. He is also a fine singer and keen cricket lover. Tunji Sowande is not a political man – just an ordinary lawyer, he says. Finding himself stranded in the heart of empire, he muses on Black liberation struggles worldwide, contributing only through his music. More info and booking...

The Museum of Bath at Work

Price: £5
Start time: 20:00

Sylvia Hunt

Dog Show

Coiffed and teased to perfection, clipped and trimmed in all the right
places Sylvia Hunt's Dog Show is a fabulous 60 minutes of canine high jinks & biscuit slobbering joy. . Humorous, hilarious and painfully poignant this show explores the complex, co-dependant relationship we share with our canine companions. "an absolute gem of a show" Theatre Bath

More info and booking...

Natural Theatre Studio

Price: £8
Start time: 20:00

Modest Geniuses

Dying to Please You

We have devised this mortally funny piece of theatre exploring the comedy behind death, dying and grief. Through music, dance and physical theatre we hope to interpret the world of death and dying as gentle and ridiculous. This project is an exploration into the question: Can we laugh in the face of death? More info and booking...

Prior Park

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 21:00
Doors open: 19:30

Kilter Theatre presents

The Darkling Society

A Play. Outside. After Dark.

Stay up late tonight, pack a torch, and make a pilgrimage into the great outdoors. As the sun sets over Bath, join a band of musicians and outsiders for an expedition like no other! Cosy up as darkness falls and watch the wonder and wisdom of the night unfold before your very eyes! More info and booking...

Sunday 12th June 2016

Bath Aqua Theatre of Glass

Price: £4
Start time: 14:30
Doors open: 14:00

Bath Aqua Glass presents

Obsidian Strikes Back!

Madness in its purest form

Return to the world of Obsidian. Journey through the depths of creativity and insanity to arrive in a place where logic has no power.
This family friendly show combines music, glass blowing and spoken word in a string of acts that will leave you speechless.
All profits go to charity.

Extra info: Wheelchair access

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £5 / 3 Concs
Start time: 16:00

OnSet Productions present


A troubled writer struggles, pushing through roadblocks in both his personal and professional life. As he becomes frustrated he creates a reflection of himself, one that is impulsive, confident and successful in his endeavours. When he falls in love with a girl at his work, the reflection begins to act erratically and the man realises he is losing control of himself. More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: Full Price: £5 Concessions: £3
Start time: 19:00

James Elston in

Krapp's Last Tape

Written by Samuel Beckett

James Elston is KRAPP. No really, he is Krapp.

Following the destructive nature an addiction for the past can have on the present, and the future. Accepting that his life is coming to an end, Krapp listens to his old tape recordings in hope of finding happiness and comfort within them. What follows is something far worse. . .

More info and booking...


Price: £10/£7
Start time: 20:00

TRB Engage and Bath Spa University presents

The 24 Hour Plays

Without question, one of the most heart-poundingly exciting theatrical experiences going.

Six writers, six directors and a pool of actors meet for the first time on a Saturday night.

By the Sunday night, they will have written, directed, rehearsed and performed six brand new pieces of theatre. More info and booking...

Friday 26th May 2017

Rondo Theatre

Price: £10 per adult (£8 concession)
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Softsod Productions presents

Fragile Man

Written and produced by David Martin

On an isolated hilltop two men must confront their darkest secrets and deepest fears in a chance encounter destined to change their lives forever. An unsettling and insightful drama exploring fate, faith, envy, self-preservation and the mental and emotional struggle we face to know our true selves. More info and booking...

The Ale House - Upstairs

Price: £10
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Krowd Keepers Magic Theatre

Krowd Keepers is a weekly magic theatre in Bath presenting some of the top magicians in the world. No Rabbits, Cheese or Top Hats; instead quality magic which engages, astonishes and entertains diverse audiences with great participation. Comedy and magic mixed together at its best.

Extra info: Suggested age limit 10 +

More info and booking...

Saturday 27th May 2017

The Mission Theatre

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 13:30

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: No Innocent Laughter by James Green

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 15:30

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Heels and Ties

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 16:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: The Ripper

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 17:30

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Final Test

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 18:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Crush

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 19:30

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Heartbeat

More info and booking...

Rondo Theatre

Price: £10/£8
Start time: 20:00

NOS Three Presents

Blooming Out

with Bianca Bertalot and Maria de Jesus Aguiar

“Blooming Out is a funny and clever non-verbal language clown show - interpreted by two Brazilian women - that embraces the disparate and fascinating themes of the feminine universe, such as fragility, physical transformation, period, maternity, social taboos and love; all this covered in a light, comic and poetic way.”

Extra info: age 12+

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £10 / £8 Concs/ £5 BSUStudent
Start time: 20:00

Gritty Theatre

Chapel Street

By Luke Barnes

As bottles are drained and the sun sets, the two hit the town, neither aware that soon their lives will irreconcilably collide. An acerbic yet compassionate and comic portrait of good times gone bad for a betrayed generation in broken Britain.

**** Edfringe Review 2016
**** Edfringe Review 2016
**** Broadway Baby 2016

Extra info: Contains partial nudity and strong language

More info and booking...

St James Wine Vaults - Upstairs (gallery room)

Price: £5.00
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:00

Wassail Theatre Company presents

Rex The King

by Will Gore

A blind man walks into a pub and tells anyone who’ll listen that he was once the king of darts.
Rex The King is the story of a Somerset darts champion who ruled the world, but lost it all – it’s a theatrical tale that’s witty, uplifting and ludicrously tragic. Expect blood and sweat, tears and beers. More info and booking...

The Ale House - Upstairs

Price: £10
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Krowd Keepers Magic Theatre

Krowd Keepers is a weekly magic theatre in Bath presenting some of the top magicians in the world. No Rabbits, Cheese or Top Hats; instead quality magic which engages, astonishes and entertains diverse audiences with great participation. Comedy and magic mixed together at its best.

Extra info: Suggested age limit 10+

More info and booking...

Sunday 28th May 2017

The Mission Theatre

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 13:30

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: You’ve Got Dragons

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 14:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Girls Like That

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 15:30

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: You’ve Got Dragons

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 16:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Crush

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 17:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Final Test

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £10 / £8 Concs/ £5 BSUStudent
Start time: 18:00

Gritty Theatre


By Jane Upton

19-year-old Mark cares for his drug-addict mum and her baby. He knows he has to make a choice that could change things forever, as he is living a life he never signed up for. But how far will he go? Contains scenes of a very graphic and sexual nature, nudity and strong language.

***** Edfringe Review 2016
***** Edfringe Review 2016
**** Broadway Baby 2016
**** Broadway Baby 2015

Extra info: Contains nudity and strong language

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 19:30

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Those Legs

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 20:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: The Ripper

More info and booking...

Monday 29th May 2017

The Mission Theatre

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 13:30

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Heartbeat

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £10 / £8 Concs/ £5 BSUStudent
Start time: 14:00

Gritty Theatre


By Jane Upton

19-year-old Mark cares for his drug-addict mum and her baby. He knows he has to make a choice that could change things forever, as he is living a life he never signed up for. But how far will he go? Contains scenes of a very graphic and sexual nature, nudity and strong language.

***** Edfringe Review 2016
***** Edfringe Review 2016
**** Broadway Baby 2016
**** Broadway Baby 2015

Extra info: Contains nudity and strong language

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre

Price: £8 / £6 / £4 BSU
Start time: 15:30
Doors open: 15:15

GoodDog BadDog Theatre Company presents

Squeezy Green's Compendium of Games

a theatrical game show

For the first time in Bath, Squeezy Green and Finney Haddock are bringing a host of idiotic games to test you. Everyone plays as they split the audience to battle through a series of challenges for silliness’ sake.
Most suitable for 3+
By theatre makers Gwendolyn Scott and Megan Brooks More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 16:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Paying the Piper

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 17:30

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Heels and Ties

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £10 / £8 Concs/ £5 BSUStudent
Start time: 18:00

Gritty Theatre

Chapel Street

By Luke Barnes

As bottles are drained and the sun sets, the two hit the town, neither aware that soon their lives will irreconcilably collide. An acerbic yet compassionate and comic portrait of good times gone bad for a betrayed generation in broken Britain.

**** Edfringe Review 2016
**** Edfringe Review 2016
**** Broadway Baby 2016

Extra info: Contains partial nudity and strong language

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 19:30

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Footprints on the Moon

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 20:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: MadMan

More info and booking...

Tuesday 30th May 2017

Burdall's Yard

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 14:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Seeds

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 15:30

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Those Legs

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 17:30

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Footprints on the Moon

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: Full £10/ Conc £8 / BSU Student £5
Start time: 18:00

Rapscallion Theatre Company presents

The Red Court

By Clare Reddaway

The Red Court tells the story of a real-life 21st century Chinese Macbeth.
In 2011, China’s Premier-in-waiting is popular, charismatic, ambitious. His rise to power seems unstoppable. Behind him stands a ruthless wife, a British fixer and a fortuneteller who’s predicted his triumph. What could possibly go wrong? More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 19:30

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: No Innocent Laughter by James Green

More info and booking...
Sorry, this event is cancelled

Burdall's Yard

Price: £10 / £8 Concs/ £5 BSUStudent
Start time: 20:00

The Reckoners present

i should save this

Theatre Verite

During her tormented high school years, Katy saved over ninety AIM instant message conversations. Twelve years later she excavated them from her old desktop. What emerges is a confrontation with the parts of herself she has filed away for no one else to see. After a sold out NYC run, devising team The Reckoners present this UK premier, directed/devised by Sash Bischoff, performed/devised by Katy Pinke + Lily Akerman, and produced by C.C. Kellogg More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 20:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: What I Do For You

More info and booking...

Wednesday 31st May 2017

Sorry, this event is cancelled

Burdall's Yard

Price: £10 / £8 Concs/ £5 BSUStudent
Start time: 14:00

The Reckoners present

i should save this

Theatre Verite

During her tormented high school years, Katy saved over ninety AIM instant message conversations. Twelve years later she excavated them from her old desktop. What emerges is a confrontation with the parts of herself she has filed away for no one else to see. After a sold out NYC run, devising team The Reckoners present this UK premier, directed/devised by Sash Bischoff, performed/devised by Katy Pinke + Lily Akerman, and produced by C.C. Kellogg More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 18:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: MadMan

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: Full £10/ Conc £8/ BSU Student £5
Start time: 20:00

Rapscallion Theatre Company presents

The Red Court

By Clare Reddaway

The Red Court tells the story of a real-life 21st century Chinese Macbeth.
In 2011, China’s Premier-in-waiting is popular, charismatic, ambitious. His rise to power seems unstoppable. Behind him stands a ruthless wife, a British fixer and a fortuneteller who’s predicted his triumph. What could possibly go wrong? More info and booking...

Thursday 1st June 2017

Burdall's Yard

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 14:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Paying the Piper

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 16:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Red Rain By Malcolm Martin

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £10 / £8 Concs/ £5 BSU Student
Start time: 18:00

Middle-Weight Theatre Company presents

Remedies - A Ballad of Broken Britain

Written by Matt Roberts Directed by Tom Stabb

Within the four walls of a local pharmacy, two opinionated, strong willed and polarised members of staff witness the ailments and sicknesses of the public, they may be able to administer the medicine, but can they find the remedy for the ills of Britain? More info and booking...

Kingswood Theatre

Price: £8 / £6 Concs
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Bath Spa Musical Theatre Society presents

Fame: The Musical

Bath Spa Musical Theatre Society continues into its fourth year with a fresh production of 'Fame'! Following the interlinking stories of a group of students at the High School of Performing Arts, this uplifting musical explores the highs and lows of tirelessly reaching for fame. More info and booking...

Rondo Theatre

Price: £10
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:20

Super Hamlet 64: Parody DLC

by Edward Day

An ocarina, a ukulele and a thirst for revenge. Lecoq trained Edward Day battles four decades of videogame nostalgia in an explosion of Shakespeare, live music, video projection and 16-bit mayhem. More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 20:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Girls Like That

More info and booking...

Friday 2nd June 2017

Kingswood Theatre

Price: £8 / £6 Concs
Start time: 14:30
Doors open: 14:00

Bath Spa Musical Theatre Society presents

Fame: The Musical

Bath Spa Musical Theatre Society continues into its fourth year with a fresh production of 'Fame'! Following the interlinking stories of a group of students at the High School of Performing Arts, this uplifting musical explores the highs and lows of tirelessly reaching for fame. More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £10 / £8 Concs/ £5 BSU Student
Start time: 16:00

Middle-Weight Theatre Company presents

Remedies - A Ballad of Broken Britain

Written by Matt Roberts Directed by Tom Stabb

Within the four walls of a local pharmacy, two opinionated, strong willed and polarised members of staff witness the ailments and sicknesses of the public, they may be able to administer the medicine, but can they find the remedy for the ills of Britain? More info and booking...

The Ale House - Upstairs

Price: £10
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Krowd Keepers Magic Theatre

Krowd Keepers is a weekly magic theatre in Bath presenting some of the top magicians in the world. No Rabbits, Cheese or Top Hats; instead quality magic which engages, astonishes and entertains diverse audiences with great participation. Comedy and magic mixed together at its best. More info and booking...

Saturday 3rd June 2017

The American Museum in Britain

Price: Free
Start time: 12:00

‘The Interlinear of Cabeza de Vaca’ by Haniel Long

Spanish Conquistador takes Theatre Bath Bus to The American Museum in Britain

Local theatre company, Thereby Hangs A Tale, are taking the Theatre Bath Bus to The American Museum in Britain, and telling the true story of a Spanish conquistador’s disastrous expedition to Florida.

Created for the Fringe Art Bath’s ‘Embodied Cartographies’ exhibition 'The Interlinear of Cabeza de Vaca' is a 25-minute recital - with live music accompaniment - of Haniel Long’s 1936 re-telling of the true story of the survivors of the 16th century expedition to Florida. In 1542 Cabeza De Vaca returned to Spain and told how he journeyed with various tribes of native American Indians who helped him find his way to Mexico.

The show will be performed with live music accompaniment. More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 14:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Seeds

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 16:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Memories We Lost in the Fire

More info and booking...

Kingswood Theatre

Price: £8 / £6 Concs
Start time: 16:00
Doors open: 15:30

Bath Spa Musical Theatre Society presents

Fame: The Musical

Bath Spa Musical Theatre Society continues into its fourth year with a fresh production of 'Fame'! Following the interlinking stories of a group of students at the High School of Performing Arts, this uplifting musical explores the highs and lows of tirelessly reaching for fame. More info and booking...

Sorry, this event is cancelled

Burdall's Yard

Price: £10 / £8 Concs/ £5 BSU Student
Start time: 18:00
Doors open: 17:50

Frenetic Fox Theatre presents

Appily Ever After

by Paul Lawless

Serenading you with original song, spoken word and just the right amount of desperation, join Paul as he questions your relationship with dating apps - exploring tech-addiction, disillusionment and how far are we prepared to go to be fulfilled.

Extra info: May contain mild swearing and sexual references (non-vulgar)

More info and booking...

Kingswood Theatre

Price: £8 / £6 Concs
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Bath Spa Musical Theatre Society presents

Fame: The Musical

Bath Spa Musical Theatre Society continues into its fourth year with a fresh production of 'Fame'! Following the interlinking stories of a group of students at the High School of Performing Arts, this uplifting musical explores the highs and lows of tirelessly reaching for fame. More info and booking...

Rondo Theatre

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 20:00

Croon productions present


IS a Western.

Puppet Theatre Spaghetti Western. A jail break! Two gunslingers ride into town, as a Wild West frontier town made from pianos materialises before your eyes! Tumbleweed, the saloon is humming, a bank job, the bell chimes, the coffin maker is busy, the noose sways in the wind.

Extra info: Contains gun shot effects.

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 20:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Ellipsism - The Last Days of Napoleon

More info and booking...

The Ale House - Upstairs

Price: £10
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Krowd Keepers Magic Theatre

Krowd Keepers is a weekly magic theatre in Bath presenting some of the top magicians in the world. No Rabbits, Cheese or Top Hats; instead quality magic which engages, astonishes and entertains diverse audiences with great participation. Comedy and magic mixed together at its best.

Extra info: Suggested Age Limit 10+

More info and booking...

Sunday 4th June 2017

The Mission Theatre

Price: £7 / £5 Concs
Start time: 11:30
Doors open: 11:15

Brave Bold Drama present

Alf the Highwayman

devised by Gill Simmons & Paul Lawless

Highwayman Alf snatches and grabs without a care. It's time for him to learn there are better ways to play. Come adventuring with him as he gallops through woodland, seashore and circus! Full of songs, chances to join in and no frights.
Winner of “Best Children’s Show” Shaftesbury Fringe 2016 More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre

Price: £7 / £5
Start time: 14:30
Doors open: 14:00

Brave Bold Drama present

Alf the Highwayman

devised by Gill Simmons & Paul Lawless

Highwayman Alf snatches and grabs without a care. It's time for him to learn there are better ways to play. Come adventuring with him as he gallops through woodland, seashore and circus! Full of songs, chances to join in and no frights.
Winner of “Best Children’s Show” Shaftesbury Fringe 2016 More info and booking...

Sorry, this event is cancelled

Burdall's Yard

Price: £10 / £8 Concs/ £5 BSU Student
Start time: 18:00
Doors open: 17:50

Frenetic Fox Theatre presents

Appily Ever After

by Paul Lawless

Serenading you with original song, spoken word and just the right amount of desperation, join Paul as he questions your relationship with dating apps - exploring tech-addiction, disillusionment and how far are we prepared to go to be fulfilled.

Extra info: May contain mild swearing and sexual references (non-vulgar)

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 20:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Red Rain By Malcolm Martin

More info and booking...

Monday 5th June 2017

The Mission Theatre

Price: £5 / £3 Concs
Start time: 15:00

Theatre with Teeth Presents


created by Holly Williams

Imagined after the death of her husband, 28 years after her own, Leonard Woolf returns home to reconcile with his wife and tell one last important story. Told through physicality, playful creativity, and nostalgic storytelling, 'Woolf' is based on the incredible true story of one of the world’s most celebrated writers and women, Virginia Woolf.

Extra info: 12A guidance rating - some strong themes

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: Full price: £8 Concessions: £6 BSU students: £4
Start time: 16:00
Doors open: 15:30

Black Dog Productions presents

Films About Ghosts

Suicide doesn't make sense. Clara was happy! She wouldn't have committed suicide...
When Clara dies, it breaks Elsie's world. Bent on proving that the police are wrong in their conclusion that Clara committed suicide, Elsie decides to work the case herself. More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £8 / £6 Concs / £4 BSU
Start time: 18:00

I Am Nincompoop Presents

Wake Up & Deirdrealize

Starring Lucy Harrington

A hilarious, outlandish, character romp, guaranteed to take you on the ride of your life. Hailing from Texas-Tennessee, more magnanimous than Gandhi, sexier than chocolate, hotter than the sun, Deirdre is on a mission to show the world how awesome it is, one person at a time, starting with you. More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre

Price: £5 / £3 Concs
Start time: 19:30

Theatre with Teeth Presents


created by Holly Williams

Imagined after the death of her husband, 28 years after her own, Leonard Woolf returns home to reconcile with his wife and tell one last important story. Told through physicality, playful creativity, and nostalgic storytelling, 'Woolf' is based on the incredible true story of one of the world’s most celebrated writers and women, Virginia Woolf.

Extra info: 12A guidance recommended

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 20:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: What I Do For You

More info and booking...

Tuesday 6th June 2017

Burdall's Yard

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 16:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: The Perfect Woman?

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 18:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Stiff

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre

Price: £8 / £6 concs
Start time: 19:30

Threedumb Theatre presents

i thought i might be jet li (but it turns out that i'm not)

a new play by Stuart Crowther

'You're not a woman... who you speaking for?'
Three men with made-up names wait for the world to make sense. Lads. Lads. Lads? Something big's gonna happen - if they can cut the bull and keep Michelle Obama alive. More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: Full price: £8 Concessions: £6 BSU students: £4
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Black Dog Productions presents

Films About Ghosts

Suicide doesn't make sense. Clara was happy! She wouldn't have committed suicide...
When Clara dies, it breaks Elsie's world. Bent on proving that the police are wrong in their conclusion that Clara committed suicide, Elsie decides to work the case herself. More info and booking...

Wednesday 7th June 2017

Burdall's Yard

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 16:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Memories We Lost in the Fire

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 18:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Freak by Anna Jordan

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre

Price: £8 / £6 concs
Start time: 19:30

Threedumb Theatre presents

i thought i might be jet li (but it turns out that i'm not)

a new play by Stuart Crowther

'You're not a woman... who you speaking for?'
Three men with made-up names wait for the world to make sense. Lads. Lads. Lads? Something big's gonna happen - if they can cut the bull and keep Michelle Obama alive. More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £8 / £6 Concs / £4 BSU
Start time: 20:00

I Am Nincompoop Presents

Wake Up & Deirdrealize

Starring Lucy Harrington

A hilarious, outlandish, character romp, guaranteed to take you on the ride of your life. Hailing from Texas-Tennessee, more magnanimous than Gandhi, sexier than chocolate, hotter than the sun, Deirdre is on a mission to show the world how awesome it is, one person at a time, starting with you. More info and booking...

Secret Location in Bath

Price: £15 / £10 Concs
Start time: 20:00

Invulnerable Nothings

A Bright Room Called Day

by Tony Kushner

Invulnerable Nothings presents Kushner's spectacular political parable in a site specific apartment staging for intimate audiences. Email for tickets: location revealed upon booking confirmation! More info and booking...

Rondo Theatre

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Restless Theatre Company presents

Network Tales After Dark


Ever wondered who you are sitting next to on the train? Do overheard conversations make you ponder? As night falls, climb aboard for a madcap journey of passion, loss, and mystery as Anna and Stuart get to grips with the less romantic practicalities of love on the tracks. More info and booking...

Widcombe Social Club

Price: £14
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Bath Comedy presents

Bill Smarme & The Bizness with Dave Lemkin

The Village Hall

The Vicar of Lower Swell introduces some bizarre and frankly quite nutty locals performing in The Village Hall, They will include former cabinet minister the Rt. Hon. Dickie Daventry, who will regale us with tales from the corridors of power and be plugging his memoirs, and special guests Bill Smarme & The Bizness who will be travelling all the way from Twerton to perform their unique comedic take on a farrago of musical genres. More info and booking...

Thursday 8th June 2017

Sorry, this event is cancelled

Burdall's Yard

Price: £8 / £6 Concs / £4 BSU
Start time: 18:00
Doors open: 17:30

Sylvia Hunt Presents

Tease and Preen

supported by Bath Spa Live

Backcombed, behived, then set firmly in place, 1960s hairdressing apprentice Connie discovers a different side to hair and even life at a swinging party on the other side of town… With more sass than Brigitte Bardot’s barnet and a good layering of eccentric comedy, puppetry & a toy poodle, Sylvia Hunt Presents one très chic ensemble! More info and booking...

The Egg

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 19:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Wind in The Willows - Adapted by Alan Bennett

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre

Price: £8 / £6 concs
Start time: 19:30

Threedumb Theatre presents

i thought i might be jet li (but it turns out that i'm not)

a new play by Stuart Crowther

'You're not a woman... who you speaking for?'
Three men with made-up names wait for the world to make sense. Lads. Lads. Lads? Something big's gonna happen - if they can cut the bull and keep Michelle Obama alive. More info and booking...

Secret Location in Bath

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:10

Fake Escape present:


What if you knew exactly when your life would end?

What If You Knew Exactly When Your Life Would End? To The Very Second... How Would You Want To Go Out?
For '20:20 Vision's 5th year at Bath Fringe the acclaimed immersive experience turns its attention to our planet's final hours. 4 new plays by 4 writers under 30, with stories spanning relationships and continents played out in real time, as the audience hurtles towards the end of the world. More info and booking...

Secret Location in Bath

Price: £15 / £10 Concs
Start time: 20:00

Invulnerable Nothings

A Bright Room Called Day

by Tony Kushner

Invulnerable Nothings presents Kushner's spectacular political parable in a site specific apartment staging for intimate audiences. Email for tickets: location revealed upon booking confirmation! More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £10 / £8 Concs/ £5 BSU Student
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:55

inamoment theatre

King Lear (alone)

With Bob Young

King Lear is left alone to once more think about that fateful day and everything that happened since then, whilst at the same time fighting the effects of dementia.
This fascinating opportunity takes us along Lear’s ensuing spiritual journey, showing the original play’s themes and insights from a completely different angle. More info and booking...

Friday 9th June 2017

The Mission Theatre

Price: £8/ £5 Concs
Start time: 14:00
Doors open: 13:15

Bath University Student Theatre Presents


by Molière

This hilarious translation of Molière’s Tartuffe, by BBC Radio 4’s Roger McGough brings new life to the classic French farce. Set within the 17th century aristocracy the play tells the tale of Tartuffe, a fraud posing as a priest, who feigns piety to swindle the upper classes out of their wealth. ​ More info and booking...

Sorry, this event is cancelled

Burdall's Yard

Price: £8 / £6 Concs / £4 BSU
Start time: 16:00
Doors open: 15:30

Sylvia Hunt Presents

Tease and Preen

supported by Bath Spa Live

Backcombed, behived, then set firmly in place, 1960s hairdressing apprentice Connie discovers a different side to hair and even life at a swinging party on the other side of town… With more sass than Brigitte Bardot’s barnet and a good layering of eccentric comedy, puppetry & a toy poodle, Sylvia Hunt Presents one très chic ensemble! More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £10 / £8 Concs/ £5 BSU Student
Start time: 18:00
Doors open: 17:55

inamoment theatre

King Lear (alone)

With Bob Young

King Lear is left alone to once more think about that fateful day and everything that happened since then, whilst at the same time fighting the effects of dementia.
This fascinating opportunity takes us along Lear’s ensuing spiritual journey, showing the original play’s themes and insights from a completely different angle. More info and booking...

The Bell - Love Lounge (Back bar)

Price: £4 / £2 Concs
Start time: 19:00

Tinned Pizza Theatre Presents An Evening Of

New Writing, Stand-Up, And Spoken Word

A student theatre company - comprised of recent graduates and some still studying - present new writing inspired by their day to day lives. Poetry, stand-up comedy, and monologues that will have you laughing, crying, and questioning all at the same time! More info and booking...

The Egg

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 19:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Wind in The Willows - Adapted by Alan Bennett

More info and booking...

Secret Location in Bath

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 19:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Just in Case (Venue revealed on booking)

More info and booking...

Secret Location in Bath

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 19:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: 2 Comfortable Place (venue revealed on booking)

More info and booking...

The Edge, University of Bath

Price: £5 for Students and Concessions, £8 Standard Ticket
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Bath University Student Musicals Society Presents:

The Ballad of Me and My Friends

A New Musical with the Songs and Lyrics of Frank Turner

A new jukebox musical written for this year's fringe follows the life and times of musicians, artists and other failed 21st century bohemians trying to make it in contemporary London. Taking inspiration from Frank Turner's lyrics and live shows, the performance weaves together gig and theatre in Bath University's new arts complex, The Edge. More info and booking...

Secret Location in Bath

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:10

Fake Escape present:


What if you knew exactly when your life would end?

What If You Knew Exactly When Your Life Would End? To The Very Second... How Would You Want To Go Out?
For '20:20 Vision's 5th year at Bath Fringe the acclaimed immersive experience turns its attention to our planet's final hours. 4 new plays by 4 writers under 30, with stories spanning relationships and continents played out in real time, as the audience hurtles towards the end of the world. More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre

Price: £8/ £5 Concs
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:15

Bath University Student Theatre Presents


By Lucas Fisher-Horas

Gabriel Blake is a man haunted by grief. Through an act of heroism he is introduced to Olivia, a girl who is equally lost in life, trapped within a toxic and abusive relationship. The two find deep solace in one another, yet the closer they grow, the greater the stakes should tragedy strike.

Extra info: Recommended Age: 15+

More info and booking...

Secret Location in Bath

Price: £15 / £10 Concs
Start time: 20:00

Invulnerable Nothings

A Bright Room Called Day

by Tony Kushner

Invulnerable Nothings presents Kushner's spectacular political parable in a site specific apartment staging for intimate audiences. Email for tickets: location revealed upon booking confirmation! More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £10 / £8 / £5 BSU
Start time: 20:00

Himmeltheatre Presents:


Sophocles’ tragedy tells the struggle between the law of Men and the Law of Nature. A woman stands against the will of a tyrant: her vision being the only thing that can make the power collapse and open new prospects. The city of Tebe will heal only with sacrifice. More info and booking...

The Ale House - Upstairs

Price: £10
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Krowd Keepers Magic Theatre

Krowd Keepers is a weekly magic theatre in Bath presenting some of the top magicians in the world. No Rabbits, Cheese or Top Hats; instead quality magic which engages, astonishes and entertains diverse audiences with great participation. Comedy and magic mixed together at its best. More info and booking...

The Museum of Bath at Work

Price: £8/ £5 Concs
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:45

Bath University Student Theatre Presents

Other Places

By Harold Pinter

Join Bath University Student Theatre as they perform three of Harold Pinter's best One Act plays shown together in one night, including "A Kind of Alaska", "Victoria Station" and "One For The Road".

Extra info: Recommended Age: 15+

More info and booking...

Saturday 10th June 2017

The Mission Theatre

Price: £6 / £4 students
Start time: 11:00
Doors open: 10:40

Back In Time Productions Presents

A Suitcase of Memories

When a husband is caring for his very unwell wife, the memorable moments they've shared bring them closer than ever as they reflect on their adventurous journey together. More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 14:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Finally Human

More info and booking...

The Egg

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 14:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Wind in The Willows - Adapted by Alan Bennett

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre

Price: £8/ £5 Concs
Start time: 14:00
Doors open: 13:45

Bath University Student Theatre Presents


By Lucas Fisher-Horas

Gabriel Blake is a man haunted by grief. Through an act of heroism he is introduced to Olivia, a girl who is equally lost in life, trapped within a toxic and abusive relationship. The two find deep solace in one another, yet the closer they grow, the greater the stakes should tragedy strike.

Extra info: Recommended age: 15+

More info and booking...

St. Michael's Church

Price: £7 / £5 concs
Start time: 14:30
Doors open: 14:00

Thereby Hangs A Tale presents

Ovid's Heroines

By James Darnton

Three of mythology's most complex and compelling women come to life in this brand new re-imagining of Ovid's poetry, especially commissioned for the 2000th anniversary of his death.
Directed by Milo Morris
All ticket proceeds go to Southside Family Project Bath More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £10 Full/£8 Conc/£5 BSU Student
Start time: 16:00

Tobacco Tea Theatre Company

The Accidental Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

When Holmes unknowingly murders his own client, the game is on to catch the criminal! But are Watson's rent and Moriarty's thirst for detective fiction manipulating events? Expect hilarity, satire, metafiction and plot twists galore! More info and booking...

Secret Location in Bath

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 16:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Just in Case (venue revealed on booking)

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £10 / £8 / £5 BSU
Start time: 18:00

Himmeltheatre Presents:


Sophocles’ tragedy tells the struggle between the law of Men and the Law of Nature. A woman stands against the will of a tyrant: her vision being the only thing that can make the power collapse and open new prospects. The city of Tebe will heal only with sacrifice. More info and booking...

The Egg

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 19:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Wind in The Willows - Adapted by Alan Bennett

More info and booking...

St. Michael's Church

Price: £7 / £5 concs
Start time: 19:00
Doors open: 18:30

Thereby Hangs A Tale presents

Ovid's Heroines

By James Darnton

Three of mythology's most complex and compelling women come to life in this brand new re-imagining of Ovid's poetry, especially commissioned for the 2000th anniversary of his death.
Directed by Milo Morris
All ticket proceeds go to Southside Family Project Bath More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre

Price: £8/ £5 Concs
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 17:15

Bath University Student Theatre Presents


by Molière

This hilarious translation of Molière’s Tartuffe, by BBC Radio 4’s Roger McGough brings new life to the classic French farce. Set within the 17th century aristocracy the play tells the tale of Tartuffe, a fraud posing as a priest, who feigns piety to swindle the upper classes out of their wealth. ​ More info and booking...

The Edge, University of Bath

Price: £5 for Students and Concessions, £8 Standard Ticket
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Bath University Student Musicals Society Presents:

The Ballad of Me and My Friends

A New Musical with the Songs and Lyrics of Frank Turner

A new jukebox musical written for this year's fringe follows the life and times of musicians, artists and other failed 21st century bohemians trying to make it in contemporary London. Taking inspiration from Frank Turner's lyrics and live shows, the performance weaves together gig and theatre in Bath University's new arts complex, The Edge. More info and booking...

Secret Location in Bath

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:10

Fake Escape present:


What if you knew exactly when your life would end?

What If You Knew Exactly When Your Life Would End? To The Very Second... How Would You Want To Go Out?
For '20:20 Vision's 5th year at Bath Fringe the acclaimed immersive experience turns its attention to our planet's final hours. 4 new plays by 4 writers under 30, with stories spanning relationships and continents played out in real time, as the audience hurtles towards the end of the world. More info and booking...

Secret Location in Bath

Price: £15 / £10 Concs
Start time: 20:00

Invulnerable Nothings

A Bright Room Called Day

by Tony Kushner

Invulnerable Nothings presents Kushner's spectacular political parable in a site specific apartment staging for intimate audiences. Email for tickets: location revealed upon booking confirmation! More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 20:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Freak by Anna Jordan

More info and booking...

The Ale House - Upstairs

Price: £10
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Krowd Keepers Magic Theatre

Krowd Keepers is a weekly magic theatre in Bath presenting some of the top magicians in the world. No Rabbits, Cheese or Top Hats; instead quality magic which engages, astonishes and entertains diverse audiences with great participation. Comedy and magic mixed together at its best.

Extra info: Suggested Age Limit 10+

More info and booking...

The Museum of Bath at Work

Price: £8/ £5 Concs
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:45

Bath University Student Theatre Presents

Other Places

By Harold Pinter

Join Bath University Student Theatre as they perform three of Harold Pinter's best One Act plays shown together in one night, including "A Kind of Alaska", "Victoria Station" and "One For The Road".

Extra info: Recommended Age: 15+

More info and booking...

The Edge, University of Bath

Start time: 20:30
Doors open: 18:00

Nowadays Family Tipi

Adventures in Story, Theatre and Music

JOIN US ROUND THE CAMPFIRE FOR MUSIC AND STORYTELLING! At the magical tipi with your family, catch up with your friends and picnic on the lawn or sit at tables on the Edge terrace enjoying the summer’s evening. Take part or watch your children create their own ‘moving suits.’ Then it’s time to sit back together around the tipi camp fire (mixed seating including cushions, chairs and a snug) and hear marvellous and fantastical stories with a musical twist…Enjoy Kilter Theatre, Storytelling with Somerset Storytellers, James Watts and Michael Loader and create wonderful moving costumes with Lets Make Art! A wonderful summer’s evening treat… This event is suitable for grownups and under 12’s.
More info and booking...

Sunday 11th June 2017

Burdall's Yard

Price: £10 Full/£8 Conc/£5 BSU Student
Start time: 12:00

Tobacco Tea Theatre Company

The Accidental Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

When Holmes unknowingly murders his own client, the game is on to catch the criminal! But are Watson's rent and Moriarty's thirst for detective fiction manipulating events? Expect hilarity, satire, metafiction and plot twists galore! More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 14:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: The Perfect Woman?

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £6 / £4 concs / £3 BSU
Start time: 16:00

On Set Productions

Bath Spa Live Fringe

Two weeks of innovative new drama: Undergraduates from Bath Spa University's Performing Arts course present their degree shows.

Extra info: Ellipsism - The Last Days of Napoleon

More info and booking...

Secret Location in Bath

Price: £15 / £10 Concs
Start time: 20:00

Invulnerable Nothings

A Bright Room Called Day

by Tony Kushner

Invulnerable Nothings presents Kushner's spectacular political parable in a site specific apartment staging for intimate audiences. Email for tickets: location revealed upon booking confirmation! More info and booking...

Friday 25th May 2018

Various venues

Price: Free
Start time: 18:00

Bath Fringe Opening Night

Circomedia walkabouts

On Friday 25th May the Circomedia students burst out of their studios and onto the streets, in a chaotic and frolic filled evening of walkabout performance. Prepare to see the world differently as this talented group of thirty international circus performers roam the streets of Bath in search of an audience. This isn’t your normal Friday night out. More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: Free
Start time: 19:00

Tantalising Tasters at The Mission

The Mission kicks off an exciting fortnight of Fringe frenzy with a theatrical treat - a chance to glimpse ten minute tasters of many of the Mission’s Fringe shows. And then meet the actors, network and relax in the The Mission’s Fringe Hub Bar with a glass of Fringe Fest Fizz! More info and booking...

Crystal Palace pub - Outside, in Abbey Green

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 19:00
Doors open: 18:50

Back By Popular Demand

The Bath Pub Tour

An Insider's Guide to Bath's Best Boozers

A charming local's guide to the best secret drinking holes in town. A 90-minute witty walkabout through Bath's Drinking History with round after round of fascinating facts delivered in a tongue-in-cheek Pub Quiz format. Come ready with a winning Team Name. Prizes to be won!

Extra info: 30 minutes walking / >75 mins standing

More info and booking...

Saturday 26th May 2018

The Mission Theatre - Upstairs theatre

Price: £6 / £5 concs
Start time: 12:30
Doors open: 12:00

Thereby Hangs A Tale presents

The Interlinear of Cabeza de Vaca & Malinche

Two epic stories from the 16th Century Spanish colonisation of the Americas told with live original music.
"The power of maintaining life in others lives within each of us, and from each of us does it recede when unused" More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £8 / £6 Concs / £5 Under 16s / Group Deals £21/£25 (Family of 4/Family of 5)
Start time: 15:00
Doors open: 14:45

The Little Things Theatre presents:

A Dog's Brexit

By Josie Hunt

An exciting new family show for children age 7+. A Dog's Brexit is a Dr Seuss meets Animal Farm-esque portrayal of Britain's exit from the EU, filled with dogs, rhyme, songs and explanations that aim to speak directly to children. More info and booking...

Crystal Palace pub - Outside, in Abbey Green

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 19:00
Doors open: 18:50

Back By Popular Demand

The Bath Pub Tour

An Insider's Guide to Bath's Best Boozers

A charming local's guide to the best secret drinking holes in town. A 90-minute witty walkabout through Bath's Drinking History with round after round of fascinating facts delivered in a tongue-in-cheek Pub Quiz format. Come ready with a winning Team Name. Prizes to be won!

Extra info: 30 minutes walking / >75 minutes standing.

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £8 / £5 concs
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 18:30

High and Dry Present

The Child Who Said No

A spoken word meta-drama based on real lives and real mental health recovery.

The play is a journey of life, grief, hope, change and the human condition. Beyond a story, we walk alongside the shadows into a dream reality of feeling, learning and evolving.
The Child Who Said No is a High and Dry production, written and performed by Alice Smith and Bethany Blue.
Featuring Abi, The Rainbow Child and Swingerella, The Fool. More info and booking...

Sunday 27th May 2018

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £8 / £6 Concs / £5 Under 16s / Group Deals £21/£25 (Family of 4/Family of 5)
Start time: 13:00
Doors open: 12:45

The Little Things Theatre presents:

A Dog's Brexit

By Josie Hunt

An exciting new family show for children age 7+. A Dog's Brexit is a Dr Seuss meets Animal Farm-esque portrayal of Britain's exit from the EU, filled with dogs, rhyme, songs and explanations that aim to speak directly to children. More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £8 / £6 Concs / £5 Under 16s / Group Deals £21/£25 (Family of 4/Family of 5)
Start time: 14:30
Doors open: 14:15

The Little Things Theatre presents:

A Dog's Brexit

By Josie Hunt

An exciting new family show for children age 7+. A Dog's Brexit is a Dr Seuss meets Animal Farm-esque portrayal of Britain's exit from the EU, filled with dogs, rhyme, songs and explanations that aim to speak directly to children. More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £12 / £10 concs
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:00

The Rattle'n'Roll Players present

The Rise and Fall of King Donald the 1/5th

by Gabriel Chanan

A rich, aggressive merchant aims to seize Egoland from dying King Omba. He makes a risky pact with three witches - but they have their own subversive ideas. Who can save the world from his destructive impulses? Humour, pathos and Shakespearean echoes jostle in this hilarious take on contemporary politics More info and booking...

Monday 28th May 2018

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £8
Start time: 18:00
Doors open: 17:15

Softsod Productions Presents


By David Martin

As funeral bells chime, a mysterious woman whispers a terrible secret to a grieving wife. Some years later, now in therapy, the woman pieces together the jigsaw of her life, the damning relationship with her father, her struggle with trust and love and the disturbing truth behind that secret whisper.
Directed by Jacqs Graham, featuring Lucy Elzik and David Martin. Suitable Age 16+ only. More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £8
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:15

Softsod Productions Presents


By David Martin

As funeral bells chime, a mysterious woman whispers a terrible secret to a grieving wife. Some years later, now in therapy, the woman pieces together the jigsaw of her life, the damning relationship with her father, her struggle with trust and love and the disturbing truth behind that secret whisper.
Directed by Jacqs Graham, featuring Lucy Elzik and David Martin. Suitable Age 16+ only. More info and booking...

Tuesday 29th May 2018

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £9 / £7 concs
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:20

Big Egg Theatre

Bummer and Lazarus

An absurd comedy that blends slapstick, nonsense and existentialism. This is the tale of two inseparable friends, renowned killers, and the most welcome faces in California.
They are trapped, and if they don't escape soon they will surely die. But first, Lazarus has some questions. Also, they are both dogs. More info and booking...

Chapel Arts Centre

Price: £10 adv / £12 door
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Brejeiro: the Brazilian musical

Years before Samba emerged, Brazilian Choro music and Maxixe dances rocked the world. Join Brejeiro and friends to experience this infectious music and its social history from its beginnings in the 1860's to today. Come and dance, sing, play and smile with us and catch the Choro bug too. With 12 dancers on stage! More info and booking...

Wednesday 30th May 2018

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £9 / £7 concs
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:20

Big Egg Theatre

Bummer and Lazarus

An absurd comedy that blends slapstick, nonsense and existentialism. This is the tale of two inseparable friends, renowned killers, and the most welcome faces in California.
They are trapped, and if they don't escape soon they will surely die. But first, Lazarus has some questions. Also, they are both dogs. More info and booking...

Rondo Theatre

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Act V Theatre Company presents

Venus and Adonis

By William Shakespeare

The goddess Venus is obsessed with the mortal Adonis. How will their passionate encounter end? Shakespeare's dazzling verbal virtuosity, explores love with the wit and pathos later found in his best-loved comedies. A classic poem adapted into a play for four actors and violinist, with Act V's stripped-back style. More info and booking...

Thursday 31st May 2018

FAB 1, 94 Walcot Street

Price: Pay What You Can
Start time: 12:00

Kilter Theatre & University of Bath present

The Cubicle

A theatrical space to ponder & play with cutting-edge research on body image.

Activities of every shape & size! Guest speakers celebrating the amazing body you already have! Workshops for singing, stretching, dancing, laughing... but not changing a thing! Developed in collaboration with University of Bath Psychology Researchers, The Cubicle will have you head over heels with your hiccups & hairy armpits.
Open 12 noon to 10pm

Extra info: Details at

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £9 / £7 concs
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:20

Big Egg Theatre

Bummer and Lazarus

An absurd comedy that blends slapstick, nonsense and existentialism. This is the tale of two inseparable friends, renowned killers, and the most welcome faces in California.
They are trapped, and if they don't escape soon they will surely die. But first, Lazarus has some questions. Also, they are both dogs. More info and booking...

Rondo Theatre

Price: £10 / £8 concs.
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:15

Softsod Productions Presents


By David Martin

As funeral bells chime, a mysterious woman whispers a terrible secret to a grieving wife. Some years later, now in therapy, the woman pieces together the jigsaw of her life, the damning relationship with her father, her struggle with trust and love and the disturbing truth behind that secret whisper.
Directed by Jacqs Graham, featuring Lucy Elzik and David Martin. Suitable Age 16+ only. More info and booking...

Friday 1st June 2018

FAB 1, 94 Walcot Street

Price: Pay What You Can
Start time: 12:00

Kilter Theatre & University of Bath present

The Cubicle

A theatrical space to ponder & play with cutting-edge research on body image.

Activities of every shape & size! Guest speakers celebrating the amazing body you already have! Workshops for singing, stretching, dancing, laughing... but not changing a thing! Developed in collaboration with University of Bath Psychology Researchers, The Cubicle will have you head over heels with your hiccups & hairy armpits.
Open 12 noon to 10pm

Extra info: Details at

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 17:00

Spaniel in the Works Theatre Company

The Final Journey of Edward Wilson

by John Bassett

Powerful play charting the life of Edward Wilson, explorer and naturalist on Scott's fateful journeys to the Antarctic. Wilson encounters a mysterious figure as he faces the end at the South Pole.
The play explores Wilson's life as an artist, scientist and as a caring and brave man of discovery. More info and booking...

Sorry, this event is cancelled

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £8
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:45


by Marie Myrie

ROUTE originated from verbatim and poetry, it plays with the journey of self-acceptance and the meaning of home. Having parents that migrated as a product of the Windrush in 1948 from Jamaica, she finds herself embarking in a mirrored experience of isolation during her time at a predominantly white middle-class university.
Directed by Ewa Dina & Produced by Flo Akano More info and booking...

Saturday 2nd June 2018

Theatre Bath Bus - Brunel Square

Price: £8 / £6 concs
Start time: 10:00
Doors open: 09:45

Howard-Vick Productions presents

The Stationmaster

A new family musical by Gabriel Vick

Wesley is a 10 year old boy who loves trains and spends too much time at Swindon station for his parents liking. But on this day of the launch of the new intercity express train, Wesley finds himself in charge of the entire station! More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair in Radstock

Price: Free
Start time: 11:00


Bedlam Saturday in Radstock

Bath's big outdoor performance day features Bash St. Theatre, DotComedy, and many many more - including our New Work Works performers and the main performance of this year's Outside! NOW!! project - all in Radstock for the day.
More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair in Radstock

Price: Free
Start time: 11:00

Curious Company presents:

The Dept of Complaints

Got something to moan about? Is something just not right? Tell it all to our very own Department of Complaints. It MAY get sorted. Then again, it may not. More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair in Radstock

Price: Free
Start time: 11:15

Liberty Rocks present:

The Lost Luggage

3 space explorers and their mobile semi-sentient robotic dinosaur land in Bath, their mission - to discover our alien environment and interact with its inhabitants, delivering a vital message and collecting fuel to allow them to continue on their journey. Oooh errr..robotic Bath!! More info and booking...

Theatre Bath Bus - Brunel Square

Price: £10 / £8
Start time: 11:30
Doors open: 11:00

OOOH ARRR Productions presents

Musical Mayhem

All of your favourite musicals in one place.

Let our two dazzling divas take you directly to the West End. It is here where they will serenade you with a feel-good hour of toe-tapping tunes and the ballads that are sure to hit home. They will take you through the A-Z of Musical theatre to ensure you do have the time of your life. Dance and sing along to all of your favourite show tunes for 60 minutes of pure entertainment! More info and booking...

Radstock town centre

Price: Free
Start time: 12:00

Bedlam Saturday in Somer Valley

Somer Valley Arts Family Day

featuring Outside! NOW!! More info and booking...

FAB 1, 94 Walcot Street

Price: Pay What You Can
Start time: 12:00

Kilter Theatre & University of Bath present

The Cubicle

A theatrical space to ponder & play with cutting-edge research on body image.

Activities of every shape & size! Guest speakers celebrating the amazing body you already have! Workshops for singing, stretching, dancing, laughing... but not changing a thing! Developed in collaboration with University of Bath Psychology Researchers, The Cubicle will have you head over heels with your hiccups & hairy armpits.
Open 12 noon to 10pm

Extra info: Details at

More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair in Radstock

Price: Free
Start time: 12:00

Jessica Rost Company present:

Peddlers' Pack

So many things you never saw before'- five hucksters will be hawking the fringes and byways of town: conducting their commerce, making connections, interactions and unforgettable transactions; the like of which you could not ever have imagined possible. Find them before they find you! More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair in Radstock

Price: Free
Start time: 12:45

Liberty Rocks present:

The Lost Luggage

3 space explorers and their mobile semi-sentient robotic dinosaur land in Bath, their mission - to discover our alien environment and interact with its inhabitants, delivering a vital message and collecting fuel to allow them to continue on their journey. Oooh errr..robotic Bath!! More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair in Radstock

Price: Free
Start time: 13:00

Curious Company presents:

The Dept of Complaints

Got something to moan about? Is something just not right? Tell it all to our very own Department of Complaints. It MAY get sorted. Then again, it may not. More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair in Radstock

Price: Free
Start time: 13:15

Animystic Productions Presents:

The Hoary Halfling Tavern

Welcome to the Hoary Halfling, the oldest travelling pub this side of Great River! Come and have a drink with the cantankerous bar maid and be regaled with tall tales from our resident Adventurer! More info and booking...

Theatre Bath Bus - Brunel Square

Price: £10
Start time: 13:30
Doors open: 13:25

Gritty Theatre presents

Fred and Ginger

by Michael Southan

Taffeta, testosterone and no-talent! Who did not love the annual school musical? 'Fred and Ginger' is a gorgeous little piece that reminds us of our own halcyon days at secondary school. More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair in Radstock

Price: Free
Start time: 13:45

Jessica Rost Company present:

Peddlers' Pack

So many things you never saw before'- five hucksters will be hawking the fringes and byways of town: conducting their commerce, making connections, interactions and unforgettable transactions; the like of which you could not ever have imagined possible. Find them before they find you! More info and booking...

Sorry, this event is cancelled

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: Children £5 / Adults £10
Start time: 14:00

NOSThree presents

Friendly Ever After

with Maria de Jesus Rocha and Bianca Bertalot

A lovely story of two young clowns trying to find true friendship. When fate unites them, they realise that cultivating a new friendship is not an easy job. They discover together the beauty of friendship and the need to respect, help and understand one's friend. More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair in Radstock

Price: Free
Start time: 14:20


The Chain

Somer Valley Arts Family Day

The Chain is a random sequence of slapstick blunders that develops into a comic disaster – with hilarious results that catch the audience by surprise.

More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair in Radstock

Price: Free
Start time: 14:30

Bash Street Theatre

Bellevue Hotel

It’s the 1950’s and Elsie Lovejoy runs a dilapidated, theatrical boarding house in a seaside town. When a local gangster tries to buy her out her theatrical guests rally round to save the day using their considerable talents. More info and booking...

Sorry, this event is cancelled

Theatre Bath Bus - Brunel Square

Price: £8 / £6 concs
Start time: 15:00
Doors open: 14:55

Croon productions


Classic cinematic monsters have escaped their retirement home. Look Out! A little girl, some seagulls, a bat, a fish... 2 hotel managers! Terrifying! Can 4 bright eyed teenagers save the World? MONSTER Explores the horror film genre with Puppet theatre. Made for grownups (Suitable for over 10 yrs.) More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair in Radstock

Price: Free
Start time: 15:15

Curious Company presents:

The Dept of Complaints

Got something to moan about? Is something just not right? Tell it all to our very own Department of Complaints. It MAY get sorted. Then again, it may not. More info and booking...

Sorry, this event is cancelled

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: Children £5 / Adults £10
Start time: 16:00

NOSThree presents

Friendly Ever After

with Maria de Jesus Rocha and Bianca Bertalot

A lovely story of two young clowns trying to find true friendship. When fate unites them, they realise that cultivating a new friendship is not an easy job. They discover together the beauty of friendship and the need to respect, help and understand one's friend. More info and booking...

Theatre Bath Bus - Brunel Square

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 16:30

A Word In Your Ear presents

Little Potatoes

By Clare Reddaway

Matchmaking mums at the Shanghai marriage market hatch a plan to get their Little Emperors hitched. Little Potatoes is a powerful, bittersweet comedy-drama which explores the realities and repercussions of state controlled fertility for two women in China.
Featuring Michelle Wen Lee and Sarah Curwen, directed by Bryn Holding. More info and booking...

Theatre Bath Bus - Brunel Square

Price: £6 / £4 concs
Start time: 18:30
Doors open: 18:25

Derekk Ross in...

Autolycus! (on the bus!)

A unique hybrid of comic live performance and dramatic film screening

Shakespeare's lovable comic rogue from 'The Winter's Tale'.
Live on the Theatre Bath Bus, Autolycus teases the audience with street patter, introducing short film 'Susurrar es nada/Whispering is Nothing' -also based on the play. Derekk Ross plays Autolycus (and jealous Leontes in the film, with Samuel de la Torre as Camillo). Two 20-minute performances at 6.30pm and 7pm. More info and booking...

Sorry, this event is cancelled

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £8
Start time: 19:00
Doors open: 18:45

Something Theatre presents

The Lightning Tree

A New One Man Show Performed by Darren Little

1960's America. A man sits in a mental institution awaiting his 'fate'. How did he end up in such a place and will his twisted memory and dreams become reality? Storytelling, theatrics and fear rising horror collides then twists and turns until we are all left unsure of the truth! More info and booking...

Theatre Bath Bus - Brunel Square

Price: £6 / £4 concs
Start time: 19:00
Doors open: 18:55

Derekk Ross in...

Autolycus! (on the bus!)

A unique hybrid of comic live performance and dramatic film screening

Shakespeare's lovable comic rogue from 'The Winter's Tale'.
Live on the Theatre Bath Bus, Autolycus teases the audience with street patter, introducing short film 'Susurrar es nada/Whispering is Nothing' -also based on the play. Derekk Ross plays Autolycus (and jealous Leontes in the film, with Samuel de la Torre as Camillo). Two 20-minute performances at 6.30pm and 7pm. More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £6 / £7 concs
Start time: 19:30

Thereby Hangs A Tale presents

Black Flags Red Capes

"Sometimes to build a new world, you have to burn the old one down. Being able to shoot flames from your fingertips helps with that."

What happens to society when some people develop extraordinary abilities? And what happens when those people start to riot?

More info and booking...

Sorry, this event is cancelled

Rondo Theatre

Price: £12 / £10 concs
Start time: 20:00

Amy Tobias in

The Quantum Physics of My Heart

A comedy science lecture about growing up in the '90s

If Amy's dad is a kick-ass scientist then she can be one too, right? Isn't that probability, or logic, or something? Amy invites you to her comedy science lecture about growing up in the '90s. With the help of some complex scientific theories (not really), Amy grapples with the teenage experiences that shaped her. More info and booking...

Kingswood Theatre

Price: £15.68
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Live music, dance and theatre from the Middle East and beyond!

Club Cairo

featuring the 'Serpent Slayer'

Club Cairo presents live music, dance and theatre from the Middle East and beyond. Experience the drama of our theatrical production 'The Serpent Slayer' - a story where tough reality meets fairytale - followed by a fun live music set accompanied by a dazzling array of belly dancers.

Extra info: strobe lighting

More info and booking...

Theatre Bath Bus - Brunel Square

Price: £8
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:55

Positive Poetry Presents

Twenty Something

Created & performed by Janey McLeod

A colourful, comical & emotive explosion of spoken word poetry. Painting a picture of why daring to hope can powerfully ignite every aspect of life. More info and booking...

Sorry, this event is cancelled

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £8
Start time: 20:30
Doors open: 20:15

Something Theatre presents

The Lightning Tree

A New One Man Show Performed by Darren Little

1960's America. A man sits in a mental institution awaiting his 'fate'. How did he end up in such a place and will his twisted memory and dreams become reality? Storytelling, theatrics and fear rising horror collides then twists and turns until we are all left unsure of the truth! More info and booking...

Sunday 3rd June 2018

Theatre Bath Bus - Brunel Square

Price: £8
Start time: 10:00
Doors open: 09:50

Couch - the musical

(miniature youth version)

"A brilliantly imaginative evocation of a whole new universe" The Telegraph.
Teenager, C.P., enters the world of the lost and forgotten. Devices, gadgets, and creatures take on new meaning as a musical adventure unfolds.

Extra info: Family musical

More info and booking...

Theatre Bath Bus - Brunel Square

Price: £6
Start time: 11:30
Doors open: 11:25

Brave Bold Drama presents

Sticky Ends

written & performed by Gill Simmons

Comic cautionary tales for the modern age, Sticky Ends is a collection of original stories & songs about what might happen if you do really really bad stuff, like Eat Too Much Ice-cream or Play Too Much Minecraft. Full of fun, silliness and chances to join in. Suitable for age 5+. More info and booking...

FAB 1, 94 Walcot Street

Price: Pay What You Can
Start time: 12:00

Kilter Theatre & University of Bath present

The Cubicle

A theatrical space to ponder & play with cutting-edge research on body image.

Activities of every shape & size! Guest speakers celebrating the amazing body you already have! Workshops for singing, stretching, dancing, laughing... but not changing a thing! Developed in collaboration with University of Bath Psychology Researchers, The Cubicle will have you head over heels with your hiccups & hairy armpits.
Open 12 noon to 10pm

Extra info: Details at

More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair: Kingsmead Square

Price: Free
Start time: 12:30

Curious Company presents:

The Dept of Complaints

Got something to moan about? Is something just not right? Tell it all to our very own Department of Complaints. It MAY get sorted. Then again, it may not. More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair: Saw Close

Price: Free
Start time: 13:00

Animystic Productions Presents:

The Hoary Halfling Tavern

Welcome to the Hoary Halfling, the oldest travelling pub this side of Great River! Come and have a drink with the cantankerous bar maid and be regaled with tall tales from our resident Adventurer! More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair: Saw Close

Price: Free
Start time: 13:00

Sylvia Hunt Presents:

'Cocktails and dog tails' and 'Billy Bubbles bath time'

A woozy mix of puppetry and physical comedy as bright young thing Lady Poirot and pampered pouch Billy Bubbles tussle in the battle between owner and pet in these two new sketches.
More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £9
Start time: 13:00
Doors open: 12:40

OOOH ARRR Productions presents

Murdery Mystery on the SS Great Britain

Written by Jack Turner

The year is 2018 and The SS Great Britain is about to embark upon a new journey. However, as soon as the ship departs there is something untoward. Five high profile guests are aboard this ship, however one of them goes mysteriously missing. It is up to YOU to solve the mystery. More info and booking...

Theatre Bath Bus - Brunel Square

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 13:15
Doors open: 13:10

On A String

A new government scheme is being trialled to replace Jobseeker's Allowance and help struggling Millennials; earn money by reciting your memories. Mel, a successful business woman, finds her world turned upside down and desperate for money, takes part. But is there more at stake than sharing a few experiences?
Mel's world is turned upside down when her beloved lifestyle is taken from her. Desperate for money, she participates in this scheme, but is there more at stake than just sharing a few experiences? More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair: Kingsmead Square

Price: Free
Start time: 13:30

Liberty Rocks present:

The Lost Luggage

3 space explorers and their mobile semi-sentient robotic dinosaur land in Bath, their mission - to discover our alien environment and interact with its inhabitants, delivering a vital message and collecting fuel to allow them to continue on their journey. Oooh errr..robotic Bath!! More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair: Bath Street

Price: Free
Start time: 13:30

Street to the Point

Once again young people from Eastleigh’s The Point Youth Theatre Eastleigh will be parading their fabulous and numerous walkabout comedy en masse. You sure won’t miss them! More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair: Saw Close

Price: Free
Start time: 13:30

Jessica Rost Company present:

Peddlers' Pack

So many things you never saw before'- five hucksters will be hawking the fringes and byways of town: conducting their commerce, making connections, interactions and unforgettable transactions; the like of which you could not ever have imagined possible. Find them before they find you! More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair: Bath Street

Price: Free
Start time: 14:00


The Band at the End Of The World

They arrive in a cloud of raucous brass heavy music, driving a water spurting, flaming and smoking battle contraption. These idiots are convinced that the inevitable end of the world is upon us, maybe today, maybe right here, maybe right now! More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair: Saw Close

Price: Free
Start time: 14:00

Whalley Range Allstars

Ye Gods

Three performers tower a miniature town and bring it to life…. Church bells ring out, a factory grinds into action, there’s a boozy sing-along in the pub and the local dog’s home can’t stop its inmates barking at the church bells.
By the time these three have finished the entire tiny town is humming with noise and life. And life goes on…Until the storm comes….
More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair: Saw Close

Price: Free
Start time: 14:15

Sylvia Hunt Presents:

'Cocktails and dog tails' and 'Billy Bubbles bath time'

A woozy mix of puppetry and physical comedy as bright young thing Lady Poirot and pampered pouch Billy Bubbles tussle in the battle between owner and pet in these two new sketches.
More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair: Kingsmead Square

Price: Free
Start time: 14:30

Dominique Fester Physical Theatre presents:

An Ordinary Place - The Hospital

Dominique Fester Physical Theatre presents ‘The Hospital’, a playful Street Theatre piece which takes us inside the medical world, and the situations encountered there More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair: Saw Close

Price: Free
Start time: 15:00

Street to the Point

Once again young people from Eastleigh’s The Point Youth Theatre Eastleigh will be parading their fabulous and numerous walkabout comedy en masse. You sure won’t miss them! More info and booking...

Theatre Bath Bus - Brunel Square

Price: £6 / £5 concs
Start time: 15:00
Doors open: 14:55

Thereby Hangs A Tale presents

The Interlinear of Cabeza de Vaca & Malinche

Two epic stories from the 16th Century Spanish colonisation of the Americas told with live original music.
"The power of maintaining life in others lives within each of us, and from each of us does it recede when unused" More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair: Kingsmead Square

Price: Free
Start time: 15:30

Animystic Productions Presents:

The Hoary Halfling Tavern

Welcome to the Hoary Halfling, the oldest travelling pub this side of Great River! Come and have a drink with the cantankerous bar maid and be regaled with tall tales from our resident Adventurer! More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair: Bath Street

Price: Free
Start time: 15:30

Bash Street Theatre

Bellevue Hotel

It’s the 1950’s and Elsie Lovejoy runs a dilapidated, theatrical boarding house in a seaside town. When a local gangster tries to buy her out her theatrical guests rally round to save the day using their considerable talents. More info and booking...

Sorry, this event is cancelled

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: Children £5 / Adults £10
Start time: 16:00

NOSThree presents

Friendly Ever After

with Maria de Jesus Rocha and Bianca Bertalot

A lovely story of two young clowns trying to find true friendship. When fate unites them, they realise that cultivating a new friendship is not an easy job. They discover together the beauty of friendship and the need to respect, help and understand one's friend. More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair: Kingsmead Square

Price: Free
Start time: 16:00

Curious Company presents:

The Dept of Complaints

Got something to moan about? Is something just not right? Tell it all to our very own Department of Complaints. It MAY get sorted. Then again, it may not. More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair: Saw Close

Price: Free
Start time: 16:00

Sylvia Hunt Presents:

'Cocktails and dog tails' and 'Billy Bubbles bath time'

A woozy mix of puppetry and physical comedy as bright young thing Lady Poirot and pampered pouch Billy Bubbles tussle in the battle between owner and pet in these two new sketches.
More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair: Kingsmead Square

Price: Free
Start time: 16:30

Jessica Rost Company present:

Peddlers' Pack

So many things you never saw before'- five hucksters will be hawking the fringes and byways of town: conducting their commerce, making connections, interactions and unforgettable transactions; the like of which you could not ever have imagined possible. Find them before they find you! More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair: Bath Street

Price: Free
Start time: 17:00


The Band at the End Of The World

They arrive in a cloud of raucous brass heavy music, driving a water spurting, flaming and smoking battle contraption. These idiots are convinced that the inevitable end of the world is upon us, maybe today, maybe right here, maybe right now! More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair: Saw Close

Price: Free
Start time: 17:15

Whalley Range Allstars

Ye Gods

Three performers tower a miniature town and bring it to life…. Church bells ring out, a factory grinds into action, there’s a boozy sing-along in the pub and the local dog’s home can’t stop its inmates barking at the church bells.
By the time these three have finished the entire tiny town is humming with noise and life. And life goes on…Until the storm comes….
More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair: Saw Close

Price: Free
Start time: 17:15

Sylvia Hunt Presents:

'Cocktails and dog tails' and 'Billy Bubbles bath time'

A woozy mix of puppetry and physical comedy as bright young thing Lady Poirot and pampered pouch Billy Bubbles tussle in the battle between owner and pet in these two new sketches.
More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair: Kingsmead Square

Price: Free
Start time: 17:30

Dominique Fester Physical Theatre presents:

An Ordinary Place - The Hospital

Dominique Fester Physical Theatre presents ‘The Hospital’, a playful Street Theatre piece which takes us inside the medical world, and the situations encountered there More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair: Saw Close

Price: Free
Start time: 17:45

Street to the Point

Once again young people from Eastleigh’s The Point Youth Theatre Eastleigh will be parading their fabulous and numerous walkabout comedy en masse. You sure won’t miss them! More info and booking...

Bedlam Fair: Kingsmead Square

Price: Free
Start time: 17:45

Liberty Rocks present:

The Lost Luggage

3 space explorers and their mobile semi-sentient robotic dinosaur land in Bath, their mission - to discover our alien environment and interact with its inhabitants, delivering a vital message and collecting fuel to allow them to continue on their journey. Oooh errr..robotic Bath!! More info and booking...

Theatre Bath Bus - Brunel Square

Price: £7
Start time: 18:30
Doors open: 18:25

Behind Closed Doors

Behind Closed Doors is the tale of four women with their own hidden lives. It explores what goes on in one's own home and how the world outside goes on regardless. How well do you know your neighbour? Your co-worker? Could you do more?
An emotional and powerful performance that asks the questions we don't always want answered. More info and booking...

Green Park Station

Price: Free
Start time: 19:30

Bedlam Cabaret

featuring The Hot Potato Syncopators

In for the evening in our favourite covered open air space, Bedlam Cabaret features faces from the afternoon on the street, plus some extra stunning up & coming artists from the region, all rounded off by a show from the West's most stylish street band.
Full bill to be confirmed on the Bedlam leaflet and website nearer the time. More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £8 / £6 concs
Start time: 20:00

Palomar Theatre


Written by Eleanor Hope-Jones

Night out. Pub. Friends - but one of them is a bit more than a mate, isn’t he? Using tender puppetry, striking stage images and a brutally vulnerable script, Darlings is a timely look at modern relationships, manipulation, and how they are tied into our childhood experience. More info and booking...

Monday 4th June 2018

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 17:00

Spaniel in the Works Theatre Company

The Final Journey of Edward Wilson

by John Bassett

Powerful play charting the life of Edward Wilson, explorer and naturalist on Scott's fateful journeys to the Antarctic. Wilson encounters a mysterious figure as he faces the end at the South Pole.
The play explores Wilson's life as an artist, scientist and as a caring and brave man of discovery. More info and booking...

St James Wine Vaults - Downstairs

Price: £8 Adults / £6 concs
Start time: 17:15
Doors open: 17:00

Slackjaw Theatre Presents

Smile, You're On Camera

At what point do measures taken for our own safety intrude on the freedoms we take for granted?
A fragmented, episodic two-hander following the interrogation of a woman who has been arrested for wearing inappropriate clothing while running. 'Smile' is an absurd, darkly comic exploration of the rules that govern our daily lives. Suitable Age 15+

Extra info: Flashing lights

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10 / £8 concs.
Start time: 20:00

Palomar Theatre


Written by Eleanor Hope-Jones

Night out. Pub. Friends - but one of them is a bit more than a mate, isn’t he? Using tender puppetry, striking stage images and a brutally vulnerable script, Darlings is a timely look at modern relationships, manipulation, and how they are tied into our childhood experience. More info and booking...

Tuesday 5th June 2018

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10 / £8 concs.
Start time: 17:00
Doors open: 16:50

Mechanimal presents


'Migratory restlessness in birds'

Zugunruhe - Ornithology's term for 'migratory restlessness in birds'. From cages to planetariums, Zambia to UK, quantum biology to magnetic fields, this solo show explores the wild migration flight of a Marsh Warbler. Rehearsing among Somerset wetlands, Tom Bailey creates a feast of bird behaviour alongside a digital sound map. More info and booking...

St James Wine Vaults - Downstairs

Price: £8 Adults / £6 concs
Start time: 17:15
Doors open: 17:00

Slackjaw Theatre Presents

Smile, You're On Camera

At what point do measures taken for our own safety intrude on the freedoms we take for granted?
A fragmented, episodic two-hander following the interrogation of a woman who has been arrested for wearing inappropriate clothing while running. 'Smile' is an absurd, darkly comic exploration of the rules that govern our daily lives. Suitable Age 15+

Extra info: Flashing lights

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10 / £8 concs.
Start time: 20:00

Palomar Theatre


Written by Eleanor Hope-Jones

Night out. Pub. Friends - but one of them is a bit more than a mate, isn’t he? Using tender puppetry, striking stage images and a brutally vulnerable script, Darlings is a timely look at modern relationships, manipulation, and how they are tied into our childhood experience. More info and booking...

Wednesday 6th June 2018

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £8 / £5 concs
Start time: 16:00

Noonday Demons Theatre Co present

Excellence & The Rest Of Us

a double bill of institutional horror by Duncan Ellis

Two brief, bilious, occasionally bloody one-acters. Two institutions. A local comp and a sedate little care home. United by menace, linked through secrets, consolidated with corny one-liners... A nasty little double bill.
"Thrillingly fresh, imaginatively structured and defiantly experimental" The Scotsman on Block, 2015. More info and booking...

St James Wine Vaults - Downstairs

Price: £8 Adults / £6 concs
Start time: 17:15
Doors open: 17:00

Slackjaw Theatre Presents

Smile, You're On Camera

At what point do measures taken for our own safety intrude on the freedoms we take for granted?
A fragmented, episodic two-hander following the interrogation of a woman who has been arrested for wearing inappropriate clothing while running. 'Smile' is an absurd, darkly comic exploration of the rules that govern our daily lives. Suitable Age 15+

Extra info: Flashing Lights

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10 / £8 concs.
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:20

Mechanimal presents


'Migratory restlessness in birds'

Zugunruhe - Ornithology's term for 'migratory restlessness in birds'. From cages to planetariums, Zambia to UK, quantum biology to magnetic fields, this solo show explores the wild migration flight of a Marsh Warbler. Rehearsing among Somerset wetlands, Tom Bailey creates a feast of bird behaviour alongside a digital sound map. More info and booking...

Rondo Theatre

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

The Incunabula Collective present


by Connor Macleod

Gabe is an aspiring YouTube star, filming her reviews of guns whilst alone in her basement. Overnight, she becomes a viral sensation - a one woman exploration into the dangerous use of online language and our current 'YouTube' generation.

Extra info: Contains explicit language, strong themes and scenes which audiences may find upsetting. 18+

More info and booking...

Thursday 7th June 2018

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £8 / £5 concs
Start time: 16:00

Noonday Demons Theatre Co present

Excellence & The Rest Of Us

a double bill of institutional horror by Duncan Ellis

Two brief, bilious, occasionally bloody one-acters. Two institutions. A local comp and a sedate little care home. United by menace, linked through secrets, consolidated with corny one-liners... A nasty little double bill.
"Thrillingly fresh, imaginatively structured and defiantly experimental" The Scotsman on Block, 2015. More info and booking...

FaB 2, 6-7 New Bond Street

Price: Free
Start time: 16:00

Fake Escape present

20:20 Vision - UNSCRIPTED!

Due to unforseen circumstances, Fake Escape have had to retool their 'Retold' show this week. Instead they present a collection of devised pieces based on original artwork presented inside FaB2, where every performance will be different and unique.

NOTE TIME CHANGE More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £8
Start time: 19:00
Doors open: 18:45


The Latebloomers

SCOTLAAAAND! A show that takes the audience on a wild ride, full of silliness, songs, stomping and dancing, fishing, hunting, slapping, rowing, freedom and brotherhood! Three "Scots" go forth into the ancient lands of the highlands, overcoming dangers, in search of the spirit of Scotland. More info and booking...

Rondo Theatre

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

The Incunabula Collective present


by Connor Macleod

Gabe is an aspiring YouTube star, filming her reviews of guns whilst alone in her basement. Overnight, she becomes a viral sensation - a one woman exploration into the dangerous use of online language and our current 'YouTube' generation.

Extra info: Contains explicit language, strong themes and scenes which some audiences may find upsetting.

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £5
Start time: 20:30
Doors open: 20:00

CWIPS Presents


A Comedy Sketch Show

Making their debut at Bath Fringe is Bath University's resident Comedy society, CWIPS, with a sketch show jam-packed full of their best, tried and tested material. "Missionary" is set to be their best show yet!
"A lovely evening of silliness" - Sean Turner, The Play That Goes Wrong

Extra info: May contain strong language

More info and booking...

Friday 8th June 2018

FaB 2, 6-7 New Bond Street

Price: Free
Start time: 16:00

Fake Escape present

20:20 Vision - UNSCRIPTED!

Due to unforseen circumstances, Fake Escape have had to retool their 'Retold' show this week. Instead they present a collection of devised pieces based on original artwork presented inside FaB2, where every performance will be different and unique.

NOTE TIME CHANGE More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: Tickets £8, Concessions (Students & Senior Citizens) £5
Start time: 16:00
Doors open: 15:30

BUST presents

The History Boys

By Alan Bennett

An unruly bunch of bright, funny sixth-formers in pursuit of sex, and a place at university. A maverick English teacher at odds with the shrewd supply teacher. A headmaster obsessed with results. Alan Bennett's pitch-perfect command of character and wit raises questions about education, aspiration, adolescence, role-models, sexuality and truth. More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £8
Start time: 19:00
Doors open: 18:45


The Latebloomers

SCOTLAAAAND! A show that takes the audience on a wild ride, full of silliness, songs, stomping and dancing, fishing, hunting, slapping, rowing, freedom and brotherhood! Three "Scots" go forth into the ancient lands of the highlands, overcoming dangers, in search of the spirit of Scotland. More info and booking...

Crystal Palace pub - Outside, in Abbey Green

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 19:00
Doors open: 18:50

Back By Popular Demand

The Bath Pub Tour

An Insider's Guide to Bath's Best Boozers

A charming local's guide to the best secret drinking holes in town. A 90-minute witty walkabout through Bath's Drinking History with round after round of fascinating facts delivered in a tongue-in-cheek Pub Quiz format. Come ready with a winning Team Name. Prizes to be won!

Extra info: includes 30 mins walking / > 75 mins standing

More info and booking...

The Museum of Bath at Work

Price: Adults £8, Concessions (Senior Citizens & Students) £5
Start time: 20:00

BUST presents

Fear and Misery of the Third Reich

by Bertolt Brecht

BUST presents Fear and Misery of the Third Reich. Prepare to be guided through the memories of life under Hitler's tyranny, as imagined by Bertolt Brecht, featuring a live soundtrack by our cast band. You may have heard the stories before, but this journey will help you truly understand them. More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: Adults £8, Concessions (Students & Senior Citizens) £5
Start time: 20:30
Doors open: 20:00

BUST presents


by Federico Garcia Lorca

Lorca tells the story of Yerma whose preoccupation with motherhood leads her to do the unthinkable. The play is a spectacular exploration of the pressure to bear children in conservative Spain during the 1900's, and the isolation and jealousy many women faced as a result of their inability to conceive. More info and booking...

Saturday 9th June 2018

FaB 2, 6-7 New Bond Street

Price: Free
Start time: 16:00

Fake Escape present

20:20 Vision - UNSCRIPTED!

Due to unforseen circumstances, Fake Escape have had to retool their 'Retold' show this week. Instead they present a collection of devised pieces based on original artwork presented inside FaB2, where every performance will be different and unique.

NOTE TIME CHANGE More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: Adults £8, Concessions (Students & Senior Citizens) £5
Start time: 16:00
Doors open: 15:30

BUST presents


by Federico Garcia Lorca

Lorca tells the story of Yerma whose preoccupation with motherhood leads her to do the unthinkable. The play is a spectacular exploration of the pressure to bear children in conservative Spain during the 1900's, and the isolation and jealousy many women faced as a result of their inability to conceive. More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £5
Start time: 18:00
Doors open: 17:30

CWIPS Presents


A Comedy Sketch Show

Making their debut at Bath Fringe is Bath University's resident Comedy society, CWIPS, with a sketch show jam-packed full of their best, tried and tested material. "Missionary" is set to be their best show yet!
"A lovely evening of silliness" - Sean Turner, The Play That Goes Wrong

Extra info: May contain strong language

More info and booking...

The Edge, University of Bath

Price: £8 / £5 concs
Start time: 19:30

BUSMS Presents: Oh What a Lovely War

by Joan Littlewood's Theatre Workshop

Bath University Student Musicals Society are excited to bring you this exciting and unique production. A landmark musical, Oh What a Lovely War uses music, statistics, and media to challenge common narratives about conflict and war. More info and booking...

The Museum of Bath at Work

Price: Adults £8, Concessions (Senior Citizens & Students) £5
Start time: 20:00

BUST presents

Fear and Misery of the Third Reich

by Bertolt Brecht

BUST presents Fear and Misery of the Third Reich. Prepare to be guided through the memories of life under Hitler's tyranny, as imagined by Bertolt Brecht, featuring a live soundtrack by our cast band. You may have heard the stories before, but this journey will help you truly understand them. More info and booking...

Rondo Theatre

Price: £10
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:45

Sugar Butties presents

Trolley Girls

By Jessica Forrest and Olivia Nicholson

Attention All Shoppers! Ever found oneself staring down the down the stark and soul-less void of the freezer aisle wondering to yourself 'Who am I? How did I get here? Do I really need that reduced vanilla slice?' The Trolley Girls know exactly how you feel. A constant conveyor belt of sparkling musical numbers and side splitting belly laughs. More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: Tickets £8, Concessions (Students & Senior Citizens) £5
Start time: 20:30
Doors open: 20:00

BUST presents

The History Boys

By Alan Bennett

An unruly bunch of bright, funny sixth-formers in pursuit of sex, and a place at university. A maverick English teacher at odds with the shrewd supply teacher. A headmaster obsessed with results. Alan Bennett's pitch-perfect command of character and wit raises questions about education, aspiration, adolescence, role-models, sexuality and truth. More info and booking...

Sunday 10th June 2018

The Edge, University of Bath

Price: £8 / £5 concs
Start time: 19:30

BUSMS Presents: Oh What a Lovely War

by Joan Littlewood's Theatre Workshop

Bath University Student Musicals Society are excited to bring you this exciting and unique production. A landmark musical, Oh What a Lovely War uses music, statistics, and media to challenge common narratives about conflict and war. More info and booking...

Friday 24th May 2019

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: Free
Start time: 19:00

Tantalising Tasters at The Mission

In order to prepare you for a fortnight of theatrical treats at the Mission Theatre, come and sample a series of ten minute tasters of the shows on offer. You'll be able to meet the companies and mingle in the Fringe Hub bar with a glass of Fest Fizz! More info and booking...

Saturday 25th May 2019

Walcot Chapel

Price: £5 suggested donation
Start time: 13:00

Broken Spectacles present

The Feast

The Wedding of Cupid & Psyche

Together with their families,
Psyche and Cupid
Request the pleasure of your company on their special day at 1pm/5pm at The Walcot Chapel
Curry, drinks and merriment to follow
PS: please bring your favourite piece of crockery and spoon
An interactive piece of theatrical joy, love and heartbreak by Broken Spectacles
Suitable for ages 7+ More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £8
Start time: 15:00
Doors open: 14:50

Derekk Ross presents


One-man play about one man's quest for freedom.
Derekk Ross's irreverent comedy about Shakespearean character Autolycus in his attempts to escape from the play he's trapped in: a clownish street peddler and trickster who will try to flog you some useless tat and tell you a tale or two... More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £8
Start time: 16:30
Doors open: 16:20

Derekk Ross presents


One-man play about one man's quest for freedom.
Derekk Ross's irreverent comedy about Shakespearean character Autolycus in his attempts to escape from the play he's trapped in: a clownish street peddler and trickster who will try to flog you some useless tat and tell you a tale or two... More info and booking...

Walcot Chapel

Price: £5 suggested donation
Start time: 17:00

Broken Spectacles present

The Feast

The Wedding of Cupid & Psyche

Together with their families,
Psyche and Cupid
Request the pleasure of your company on their special day at 1pm/5pm at The Walcot Chapel
Curry, drinks and merriment to follow
PS: please bring your favourite piece of crockery and spoon
An interactive piece of theatrical joy, love and heartbreak by Broken Spectacles
Suitable for ages 7+ More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10 / £9 concs
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:45

Bedivere Arts Presents:

Wrath of Achilles

The Trojan War rages. As the Greek army throw themselves against Troy’s impenetrable walls, three desperate lives are woven together by the Fates. Bedivere Arts’ new adaptation of Homer’s Iliad, complete with a cinematic original score by acclaimed composer George Jennings, explores modern ideas of masculinity and gender. More info and booking...

Sunday 26th May 2019

Sorry, this event is cancelled

The Bell - Back bar

Price: Free
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Slackjaw Theatre & Bath Fringe present:

Bath Night

Let us celebrate like the Romans! Socialize, drinks and entertainment!
It's a scratch session, it's a work-in-progress, it's a poetry theme, it's a stand-up challenge. Or just a toe in the water.
Tell us something about Bath (or a bath) in a few minutes. If you like, we can tell you what we thought about it. Or just applaud. We’re inviting some Theatre Industry people so the opinion will be better informed.
To put something in the pool tonight, EMail us on by May 10th. More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10 / £9 concs
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:45

Bedivere Arts Presents:

Wrath of Achilles

The Trojan War rages. As the Greek army throw themselves against Troy’s impenetrable walls, three desperate lives are woven together by the Fates. Bedivere Arts’ new adaptation of Homer’s Iliad, complete with a cinematic original score by acclaimed composer George Jennings, explores modern ideas of masculinity and gender. More info and booking...

Monday 27th May 2019

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £8
Start time: 18:00
Doors open: 17:50

Derekk Ross presents


One-man play about one man's quest for freedom.
Derekk Ross's irreverent comedy about Shakespearean character Autolycus in his attempts to escape from the play he's trapped in: a clownish street peddler and trickster who will try to flog you some useless tat and tell you a tale or two... More info and booking...

St James Wine Vaults - Downstairs

Price: £10 / £8 concs (students & job seekers)
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:45

The Ordinary People

The Love Chronicles, Vol.1

You are sat in the centre of the universe. A billion memories spin past your head like comets in a perpetual state of ecstasy. You fall in love. Over and over again. The Love Chronicles Vol 1. is a series of moments and happenings. It’s wild and sprawling with projection, puppetry, dance, nostalgia and interactivity.
More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10 / £9 concs
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:45

Bedivere Arts Presents:

Wrath of Achilles

The Trojan War rages. As the Greek army throw themselves against Troy’s impenetrable walls, three desperate lives are woven together by the Fates. Bedivere Arts’ new adaptation of Homer’s Iliad, complete with a cinematic original score by acclaimed composer George Jennings, explores modern ideas of masculinity and gender. More info and booking...

Tuesday 28th May 2019

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10 / £9 concs
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:45

Bedivere Arts Presents:

Wrath of Achilles

The Trojan War rages. As the Greek army throw themselves against Troy’s impenetrable walls, three desperate lives are woven together by the Fates. Bedivere Arts’ new adaptation of Homer’s Iliad, complete with a cinematic original score by acclaimed composer George Jennings, explores modern ideas of masculinity and gender. More info and booking...

Wednesday 29th May 2019

The Mission Theatre - Upstairs theatre

Price: £8 / £6 Students
Start time: 17:00
Doors open: 16:45

Atomic Clock Theatre presents

Elephants (are the Largest Land Mammals)

By Niall Farnan

"A funny and thought provoking exploration of loss, through one young person's philosophy of life."
Meet Squirrel. I knew Squirrel, Squirrel was my friend, Squirrel was me, Squirrel might also have been you.
Squirrel could be any young person, anywhere. “You think you see me – but you don’t, not really”. Young people are often demonised but should never be generalised. Age 14+

Extra info: One person show

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £8
Start time: 19:00
Doors open: 18:50

Derekk Ross presents


One-man play about one man's quest for freedom.
Derekk Ross's irreverent comedy about Shakespearean character Autolycus in his attempts to escape from the play he's trapped in: a clownish street peddler and trickster who will try to flog you some useless tat and tell you a tale or two... More info and booking...

Rondo Theatre

Price: £10
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Flipside Productions Presents

Get F*cked

Flipside Productions brings you a collection of new monologues presenting the female perspective on the one-night-stand. Join the vibrant characters as they negotiate the pleasures and perils of dating as young women, each with their own story: some shocking, some moving and some hilarious, but all with one thing in common: there’s no strings attached!
More info and booking...

St James Wine Vaults - Downstairs

Price: £10 / £8 concs (students & job seekers)
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:45

The Ordinary People

The Love Chronicles, Vol.1

You are sat in the centre of the universe. A billion memories spin past your head like comets in a perpetual state of ecstasy. You fall in love. Over and over again. The Love Chronicles Vol 1. is a series of moments and happenings. It’s wild and sprawling with projection, puppetry, dance, nostalgia and interactivity.
More info and booking...

Thursday 30th May 2019

The Mission Theatre - Upstairs theatre

Price: £8 / £6 Students
Start time: 18:30
Doors open: 18:15

Atomic Clock Theatre presents

Elephants (are the Largest Land Mammals)

By Niall Farnan

"A funny and thought provoking exploration of loss, through one young person's philosophy of life."
Meet Squirrel. I knew Squirrel, Squirrel was my friend, Squirrel was me, Squirrel might also have been you.
Squirrel could be any young person, anywhere. “You think you see me – but you don’t, not really”. Young people are often demonised but should never be generalised. Age 14+

Extra info: One person show

More info and booking...

Rondo Theatre

Price: £14
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Peter Searles: Hey Gringo - A Chile Christmas

British actor and writer Peter Searles, a veteran of stage, screen, and BBC television and radio, gives an intensely dramatic and frequently hilarious account of his journey from the scorching wastes of the Atacama Desert in northern Chile to the shantytowns and smog-laden cities of the south, to a world of forests, lakes, and volcanoes. More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £5.00 + booking fee
Start time: 20:30
Doors open: 20:15

Bristol Shakespeare Festival presents

Hamlet: the Musical

by Rachel Waterhouse

Experience Shakespeare's most famous play in its purest, most ridiculous form! The timeless tale of Hamlet is retold with cheeky irreverence and boundless energy through genius rewrites of modern hits - including classics by Queen, Britney Spears, ABBA, Kanye West, Frank Sinatra, Kanye West, and Elvis Presley! More info and booking...

Friday 31st May 2019

No. 1 Royal Crescent

Price: Free with normal admission. An adult ticket is £10.60. Please see our website for other prices.
Start time: 10:00
Doors open: 10:00

No.1 Royal Crescent

Minuet Mayhem

Costumed characters performed by Bath Spa University Drama students

A grand group of Georgian ladies and gents are gathering at Bath's finest address between 10am and 1pm to prepare a minuet dance. As you visit the house they will entertain you with their tales of capering, flirting and treading on toes. A rambunctious event for all the family!

Extra info: Performers continually in the house until 12:00

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 16:00
Doors open: 15:30

Exit Pursued By Panda presents


By Michael Beakhouse

Domestic abuse and men: a problem we still haven’t solved. Christine aims to prove that Jason, “who can’t admit there’s a problem”, can be different. Alex doesn’t want to lose Scarlet but refuses to be the good person she needs. Is it more important to “be a man”, or to change? Age 15+

Extra info: Mature themes and strong language used. Recommended for ages 15+

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £5.00 + booking fee
Start time: 18:30
Doors open: 18:15

Bristol Shakespeare Festival presents

Hamlet: the Musical

by Rachel Waterhouse

Experience Shakespeare's most famous play in its purest, most ridiculous form! The timeless tale of Hamlet is retold with cheeky irreverence and boundless energy through genius rewrites of modern hits - including classics by Queen, Britney Spears, ABBA, Kanye West, Frank Sinatra, Kanye West, and Elvis Presley! More info and booking...

Rondo Theatre

Price: £10/ £8 concs
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

The Actor's Wheel Presents

The Last Days of Judas Iscariot

Written by Stephen Adly Guirgis

This is a story about choices and consequences and a journey through time and place. A host of historical, fictional and biblical characters gather in a makeshift courtroom in purgatory with Judas at the centre of it all, catatonic with despair and unable to defend himself in a trial that debates the motives of Christianity’s least popular apostle.
More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Upstairs theatre

Price: £8
Start time: 20:30

The O.S. Map Fan Club

Written and performed by Helen Wood

Join Ordnance Survey enthusiast, Helen Wood, for a humorous exploration of the much-loved, fold-out, paper map. This Edinburgh Fringe sell-out show takes you on a fascinating, laughter-filled, virtual ramble and celebrates the simple beauty of Britain’s inspiring national treasure.

***** ‘Endearing, sincere, wholesome and zany. Comic genius.’ (Everything Theatre) More info and booking...

Saturday 1st June 2019

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 13:30
Doors open: 13:00

Exit Pursued By Panda presents


By Michael Beakhouse

Domestic abuse and men: a problem we still haven’t solved. Christine aims to prove that Jason, “who can’t admit there’s a problem”, can be different. Alex doesn’t want to lose Scarlet but refuses to be the good person she needs. Is it more important to “be a man”, or to change? Age 15+

Extra info: Mature themes and strong language used. Recommended for ages 15+

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £5.00 + booking fee
Start time: 16:30
Doors open: 16:15

Bristol Shakespeare Festival presents

Hamlet: the Musical

by Rachel Waterhouse

Experience Shakespeare's most famous play in its purest, most ridiculous form! The timeless tale of Hamlet is retold with cheeky irreverence and boundless energy through genius rewrites of modern hits - including classics by Queen, Britney Spears, ABBA, Kanye West, Frank Sinatra, Kanye West, and Elvis Presley! More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Upstairs theatre

Price: £8
Start time: 18:30

The O.S. Map Fan Club

Written and performed by Helen Wood

Join Ordnance Survey enthusiast, Helen Wood, for a humorous exploration of the much-loved, fold-out, paper map. This Edinburgh Fringe sell-out show takes you on a fascinating, laughter-filled, virtual ramble and celebrates the simple beauty of Britain’s inspiring national treasure.

***** ‘Endearing, sincere, wholesome and zany. Comic genius.’ (Everything Theatre) More info and booking...

The Bell - Back bar

Price: £9 / £7 concs
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Thereby Hangs A Tale presents

10 Days That Shook The World

by John Reed

Welcome to the Russian Revolution of 2019.
Part gig, part play, part means-of-production-seizing revolution! Protest songs, spoken word and today's most radical politics mix with events from a century ago to present an irreverent re-imagining of John Reed’s iconic eyewitness account. ***** “Mesmerising..poetic, passionate” Theatre Bath More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £5.00 + booking fee
Start time: 20:30
Doors open: 20:15

Bristol Shakespeare Festival presents

Hamlet: the Musical

by Rachel Waterhouse

Experience Shakespeare's most famous play in its purest, most ridiculous form! The timeless tale of Hamlet is retold with cheeky irreverence and boundless energy through genius rewrites of modern hits - including classics by Queen, Britney Spears, ABBA, Kanye West, Frank Sinatra, Kanye West, and Elvis Presley! More info and booking...

Sunday 2nd June 2019

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 14:00
Doors open: 13:45

Mechanimal presents


Bali Tiger. Dusky Seaside Sparrow. Psychedelic Rock Gecko. Fire Millipede From Hell… One man. Twenty-six thousand animals. A wildly intimate, inter-species meditation on mass animal disappearance. “Extraordinary” (New Scientist on Mechanimal’s 2018 Herald Angel award-winning Zugunruhe).
More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 17:00
Doors open: 16:30

Exit Pursued By Panda presents


By Michael Beakhouse

Domestic abuse and men: a problem we still haven’t solved. Christine aims to prove that Jason, “who can’t admit there’s a problem”, can be different. Alex doesn’t want to lose Scarlet but refuses to be the good person she needs. Is it more important to “be a man”, or to change? Age 15+

Extra info: Mature themes and strong language used. Recommended for ages 15+

More info and booking...

The Bell - Back bar

Price: £9 / £7 concs
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Thereby Hangs A Tale presents

10 Days That Shook The World

by John Reed

Welcome to the Russian Revolution of 2019.
Part gig, part play, part means-of-production-seizing revolution! Protest songs, spoken word and today's most radical politics mix with events from a century ago to present an irreverent re-imagining of John Reed’s iconic eyewitness account. ***** “Mesmerising..poetic, passionate” Theatre Bath More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10
Start time: 20:30
Doors open: 20:00

The Hamoaze Band presents:

Plump Dead Thighs & Pretty Blue Eyes

Songs and tales of murder

A show from S.E. Cornwall's premier folk/acoustic band. Based on the great folk tradition of the murder ballad "a highly engaging, deeply amusing, mix of concert and theatre ... terrific songs ... plenty of off-kilter humour ... surpasses all expectations!"

Extra info: In 2 acts with a 20 minute (approx) interval

More info and booking...

Monday 3rd June 2019

The Edge, University of Bath

Price: £8 / £5 concs
Start time: 19:30

Hot Liquor Theatre Presents


By Jason Hewitt

A woman. A man. Trapped. Isolated from the outside world, games and fantasies blur into memories neither wishes to confront. Claustrophobia puts relationships under the microscope and asks – “what does it mean to be in control?”
Punctuated with moments of humour and tenderness, this minimalist, haunting psychological thriller is a must see this Fringe. More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10 / £9 concs
Start time: 20:30

Wildcat Queenz Productions presents

Casting The Villain Aside

Written & Directed by: Anna-Lisa Maree

“…They say that money can’t buy you happiness but it can certainly buy you smoke and mirrors…”
Set a stone’s throw away from the Vegas of the North, this darkly humorous and gloriously gritty production strips away the glitter of all that is Panto - Oh YES IT DOES!

Extra info: This production contains strong language

More info and booking...

Tuesday 4th June 2019

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 18:00
Doors open: 17:45

Moving Pieces presents

Total Eclipse

'In a moment, my mum is going to step out of the moon'

A humorous, playful, truthful and thought provoking piece of theatre, which challenges taboos and explores the impact of grief on our relationships and mental health. ‘I don’t think I have ever cried and laughed at the same time before! I discovered such a powerful and meaningful piece.’ Asako, London Clown Festival More info and booking...

The Edge, University of Bath

Price: £8 / £5 concs
Start time: 19:30

Hot Liquor Theatre Presents


By Jason Hewitt

A woman. A man. Trapped. Isolated from the outside world, games and fantasies blur into memories neither wishes to confront. Claustrophobia puts relationships under the microscope and asks – “what does it mean to be in control?”
Punctuated with moments of humour and tenderness, this minimalist, haunting psychological thriller is a must see this Fringe. More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10 / £9 concs
Start time: 20:30

Wildcat Queenz Productions presents

Casting The Villain Aside

Written & Directed by: Anna-Lisa Maree

“…They say that money can’t buy you happiness but it can certainly buy you smoke and mirrors…”
Set a stone’s throw away from the Vegas of the North, this darkly humorous and gloriously gritty production strips away the glitter of all that is Panto - Oh YES IT DOES!

Extra info: This production contains strong language

More info and booking...

Wednesday 5th June 2019

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 18:00
Doors open: 17:45

Moving Pieces presents

Total Eclipse

'In a moment, my mum is going to step out of the moon'

A humorous, playful, truthful and thought provoking piece of theatre, which challenges taboos and explores the impact of grief on our relationships and mental health. ‘I don’t think I have ever cried and laughed at the same time before! I discovered such a powerful and meaningful piece.’ Asako, London Clown Festival More info and booking...

Rondo Theatre

Price: £10
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30


Written and performed by Alexandra Ricou

Hera is angry, but she's been trying her best to get past it. Then again, when you're an Ancient Greek goddess, being filled with an unquenchable wrath comes with the territory. Perhaps it's time to have a little vent... but is the world ready for 3000 years worth of anger?

Extra info: Contains strong language and references to rape & sexual assault.

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10 / £9 concs
Start time: 20:30

Wildcat Queenz Productions presents

Casting The Villain Aside

Written & Directed by: Anna-Lisa Maree

“…They say that money can’t buy you happiness but it can certainly buy you smoke and mirrors…”
Set a stone’s throw away from the Vegas of the North, this darkly humorous and gloriously gritty production strips away the glitter of all that is Panto - Oh YES IT DOES!

Extra info: This production contains strong language

More info and booking...

Thursday 6th June 2019

Secret Location in Bath

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Fake Escape presents

20:20 Vision - Famous Last Words

5 New Plays by Writers under 30

20:20 Vision's immersive new writing festival returns to Bath Fringe for a 7th year with 5 new plays inspired by the dying words of some of history's most iconic personalities. What can those precious final moments tell you about a life, and the person who lived it?

Extra info: Please note this is an immersive performance and will require walking and standing

More info and booking...

St James Wine Vaults - Downstairs

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 21:00
Doors open: 20:30

Fake Escape Presents

My Father The Tantric Masseur

Written and Performed by Roann McCloskey

Roann McCloskey navigates life as a post #MeToo Queer, British-Algerian woman in this award winning sellout production that will take you on an hilarious and heartbreaking journey of self discovery.

Extra info: Contains adult language and themes

More info and booking...

Friday 7th June 2019

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £8 / £5 students & concs
Start time: 14:30
Doors open: 14:00

Bath University Student Theatre presents

Romeo and Juliet

Written by William Shakespeare and Directed by Emma Robinson

The timeless vendetta between the Montagues and Capulets erupts onto the stage in this modern adaptation of an age-old script. Following the love-struck duo through their trials of love, passion and fixation, we watch the obsession for control and conflict dictate the tragic endings of this poignant piece. More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £8 / £5 students & concs
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Bath University Student Theatre presents


Written by Tom Basden. Directed by Ross Elmore and Osama Salam

A humble shed: four young idealists form a political party to save the world from itself. The fifth just wants his cake. It’s small minds tackling big issues - China, sex trafficking, cycle lanes, unfair trade, whether to call themselves 'Friendly Party' or 'Gladios'. And when, exactly, they eat cake. More info and booking...

The Museum of Bath at Work

Price: £8 / £5 students & concs
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Bath University Student Theatre presents


Written by Eugène Ionesco and Directed by Owen Biggadike

Eugene Ionesco’s avant-garde work, Rhinoceros, is brought to life in the Museum of Bath at Work and accompanied by live music. Welcome to Bérenger’s home town, where life goes on as normal except for one small detail: everyone is turning into Rhinoceroses. A post-war take on mob mentality and fascism like almost no other. More info and booking...

Central United Reformed Church - Tovey Hall (upstairs theatre)

Price: £6.50 / £5 concs & students
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Milan's Game

by AllouAqui Dance Theatre

A couple have naturally invented an absurd game of role play, shifting between reality and fantasy. Unleashing their instincts and imagination, they challenge the paradoxes of love and sexuality. On-stage movement and theatricality merge into a world that balances between the real and the surreal in this contemporary dance-theatre duet. More info and booking...

Secret Location in Bath

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Fake Escape presents

20:20 Vision - Famous Last Words

5 New Plays by Writers under 30

20:20 Vision's immersive new writing festival returns to Bath Fringe for a 7th year with 5 new plays inspired by the dying words of some of history's most iconic personalities. What can those precious final moments tell you about a life, and the person who lived it?

Extra info: Please note this is an immersive performance and will require walking and standing

More info and booking...

Rondo Theatre

Price: £10
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30


written and performed by Connor Macleod

Queue is an epic performance poem that follows one man's journey from one end of a queue to the other in a mixture of sharp comedy, existential dread and unconventional poetics. Queue is the show that plays in all of our heads when we're trapped with our own thoughts. Incunabula Collective follow their successful debut of #Gunsh0w at last year’s Bath Fringe. More info and booking...

Saturday 8th June 2019

The Edge, University of Bath

Price: £8 / £5 students & concs
Start time: 14:30
Doors open: 14:00

[Title of Show]

[title of show]—taken from a theatre festival’s application form asking for the [title of show]—follows a group of writers on a journey of creative self-expression. In the span of 90 minutes they write and perform their show whilst learning lessons about themselves as people, friends and artists. More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £8 / £5 students & concs
Start time: 14:30
Doors open: 14:00

Bath University Student Theatre presents


Written by Tom Basden. Directed by Ross Elmore and Osama Salam

A humble shed: four young idealists form a political party to save the world from itself. The fifth just wants his cake. It’s small minds tackling big issues - China, sex trafficking, cycle lanes, unfair trade, whether to call themselves 'Friendly Party' or 'Gladios'. And when, exactly, they eat cake. More info and booking...

The Edge, University of Bath

Price: £8 / £5 students & concs
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Ordinary Days

Ordinary Days tells the story of four New Yorkers whose lives intersect as they search for fulfilment, happiness, love and cabs. With equal doses of humour and poignancy, it celebrates how 8.3 million individual stories combine in unexpected ways to make NYC a unique and extraordinary home. More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £8 / £5 students & concs
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Bath University Student Theatre presents

Romeo and Juliet

Written by William Shakespeare and Directed by Emma Robinson

The timeless vendetta between the Montagues and Capulets erupts onto the stage in this modern adaptation of an age-old script. Following the love-struck duo through their trials of love, passion and fixation, we watch the obsession for control and conflict dictate the tragic endings of this poignant piece. More info and booking...

The Museum of Bath at Work

Price: £8 / £5 students & concs
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Bath University Student Theatre presents


Written by Eugène Ionesco and Directed by Owen Biggadike

Eugene Ionesco’s avant-garde work, Rhinoceros, is brought to life in the Museum of Bath at Work and accompanied by live music. Welcome to Bérenger’s home town, where life goes on as normal except for one small detail: everyone is turning into Rhinoceroses. A post-war take on mob mentality and fascism like almost no other. More info and booking...

Central United Reformed Church - Tovey Hall (upstairs theatre)

Price: £6.50 / £5 concs & students
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Milan's Game

by AllouAqui Dance Theatre

A couple have naturally invented an absurd game of role play, shifting between reality and fantasy. Unleashing their instincts and imagination, they challenge the paradoxes of love and sexuality. On-stage movement and theatricality merge into a world that balances between the real and the surreal in this contemporary dance-theatre duet. More info and booking...

Secret Location in Bath

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Fake Escape presents

20:20 Vision - Famous Last Words

5 New Plays by Writers under 30

20:20 Vision's immersive new writing festival returns to Bath Fringe for a 7th year with 5 new plays inspired by the dying words of some of history's most iconic personalities. What can those precious final moments tell you about a life, and the person who lived it?

Extra info: Please note this is an immersive performance and will require walking and standing

More info and booking...

Rondo Theatre

Price: £10
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30


written and performed by Connor Macleod

Queue is an epic performance poem that follows one man's journey from one end of a queue to the other in a mixture of sharp comedy, existential dread and unconventional poetics. Queue is the show that plays in all of our heads when we're trapped with our own thoughts. Incunabula Collective follow their successful debut of #Gunsh0w at last year’s Bath Fringe. More info and booking...

St James Wine Vaults - Downstairs

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 21:00
Doors open: 20:30

Fake Escape Presents

My Father The Tantric Masseur

Written and Performed by Roann McCloskey

Roann McCloskey navigates life as a post #MeToo Queer, British-Algerian woman in this award winning sellout production that will take you on an hilarious and heartbreaking journey of self discovery.

Extra info: Contains adult language and themes

More info and booking...

Sunday 9th June 2019

The Edge, University of Bath

Price: £8 / £5 students & concs
Start time: 14:30
Doors open: 14:00

Ordinary Days

Ordinary Days tells the story of four New Yorkers whose lives intersect as they search for fulfilment, happiness, love and cabs. With equal doses of humour and poignancy, it celebrates how 8.3 million individual stories combine in unexpected ways to make NYC a unique and extraordinary home. More info and booking...

The Edge, University of Bath

Price: £8 / £5 students & concs
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

[Title of Show]

[title of show]—taken from a theatre festival’s application form asking for the [title of show]—follows a group of writers on a journey of creative self-expression. In the span of 90 minutes they write and perform their show whilst learning lessons about themselves as people, friends and artists. More info and booking...

Monday 17th May 2021

The Museum of Bath at Work

Price: Admission Free - with admission to Museum.
Start time: 10:30

The Bath Arts Workshop and Bath's Counter Culture in the 1970s.

Bonkers but Brilliant!

Exhibition at Museum of Bath at Work May 17-November 1 2021

Founded in 1969 the Bath Arts Workshop spawned the Natural Theatre Company, Walcot Reclamation, The Bath Fringe Festival and John's Bikes and – ahem- the Bath Fringe Festival. Back by popular demand.
They ran a youth club, a rock group, a tea shop, a junk shop and baby sitting operations. The things those crazy seventies people got up to! Fifty years of frivolity and whim encapsulated in one great exhibition. Far out.

Extra info: Last admission to the Museum is at 16.00

More info and booking...

Wednesday 2nd June 2021

Rondo Theatre

Price: Full £16 / Concessions £14
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Dirty Bath

Behind its beige façade, Bath is hiding a past riddled with tales of debauchery, villainy and depravity. The Natural Theatre Company invite you on a voyage through Bath’s murkier waters as they throw light on the less virtuous aspects of the city’s history. It won’t be plain sailing, but it will be very funny.

Extra info: Please note: due to social distancing regulations, we are restricted to 50% of capacity, and the easiest way to do this in the Rondo is to sell every other seat. However, if you are from the same household, you are welcome to move along the row and sit together. We will be unable to open the bar for this production, so please feel free to bring your own refreshments (and please take your rubbish with you!). Dirty Bath lasts just over an hour, and is presented without an interval.

More info and booking...

Thursday 3rd June 2021

Rondo Theatre

Price: Full £16 / Concessions £14
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Dirty Bath

Behind its beige façade, Bath is hiding a past riddled with tales of debauchery, villainy and depravity. The Natural Theatre Company invite you on a voyage through Bath’s murkier waters as they throw light on the less virtuous aspects of the city’s history. It won’t be plain sailing, but it will be very funny.

Extra info: Please note: due to social distancing regulations, we are restricted to 50% of capacity, and the easiest way to do this in the Rondo is to sell every other seat. However, if you are from the same household, you are welcome to move along the row and sit together. We will be unable to open the bar for this production, so please feel free to bring your own refreshments (and please take your rubbish with you!). Dirty Bath lasts just over an hour, and is presented without an interval.

More info and booking...

Friday 4th June 2021

Rondo Theatre

Price: Full £16 / Concessions £14
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Dirty Bath

Behind its beige façade, Bath is hiding a past riddled with tales of debauchery, villainy and depravity. The Natural Theatre Company invite you on a voyage through Bath’s murkier waters as they throw light on the less virtuous aspects of the city’s history. It won’t be plain sailing, but it will be very funny.

Extra info: Please note: due to social distancing regulations, we are restricted to 50% of capacity, and the easiest way to do this in the Rondo is to sell every other seat. However, if you are from the same household, you are welcome to move along the row and sit together. We will be unable to open the bar for this production, so please feel free to bring your own refreshments (and please take your rubbish with you!). Dirty Bath lasts just over an hour, and is presented without an interval.

More info and booking...

Saturday 5th June 2021

17-18 Milsom Street

Price: £3
Start time: 11:00

Ramshacklicious present:

Club Supreme

An Audience with the WORSHIPFUL MASTER. The ULTIMATE roadshow, a group of “exceptional” people, demonstrating the untapped POTENTIAL that we all have to reach the kind of PERFECTION we desire: body, mind and lifestyle all operating at optimum levels.

Extra info: Ticketed performances throughout the day - Ticketed only today, sorry.

More info and booking...

Rondo Theatre

Price: Full £16 / Concessions £14
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Dirty Bath

Behind its beige façade, Bath is hiding a past riddled with tales of debauchery, villainy and depravity. The Natural Theatre Company invite you on a voyage through Bath’s murkier waters as they throw light on the less virtuous aspects of the city’s history. It won’t be plain sailing, but it will be very funny.

Extra info: Please note: due to social distancing regulations, we are restricted to 50% of capacity, and the easiest way to do this in the Rondo is to sell every other seat. However, if you are from the same household, you are welcome to move along the row and sit together. We will be unable to open the bar for this production, so please feel free to bring your own refreshments (and please take your rubbish with you!). Dirty Bath lasts just over an hour, and is presented without an interval.

More info and booking...

Sunday 6th June 2021

17-18 Milsom Street

Price: £3
Start time: 11:00

Ramshacklicious present:

Club Supreme

An Audience with the WORSHIPFUL MASTER. The ULTIMATE roadshow, a group of “exceptional” people, demonstrating the untapped POTENTIAL that we all have to reach the kind of PERFECTION we desire: body, mind and lifestyle all operating at optimum levels.

Extra info: On-street free version at 11.56-12.30 and 2.15-3pm.

More info and booking...

Monday 7th June 2021

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £14.50 full price, £12.50 concessions, £5 students/job-seekers
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 18:55

Next Stage Theatre Company presents

The Memory of Water

by Shelagh Stephenson

Three sisters are brought together by the death of their mother. Preparing for the funeral the siblings laugh, cry and bicker over past events and half-recalled memories. More info and booking...

Tuesday 8th June 2021

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £14.50 full price, £12.50 concessions, £5 students/job-seekers
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 18:55

Next Stage Theatre Company presents

The Memory of Water

by Shelagh Stephenson

Three sisters are brought together by the death of their mother. Preparing for the funeral the siblings laugh, cry and bicker over past events and half-recalled memories. More info and booking...

Wednesday 9th June 2021

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £14.50 full price, £12.50 concessions, £5 students/job-seekers
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 18:55

Next Stage Theatre Company presents

The Memory of Water

by Shelagh Stephenson

Three sisters are brought together by the death of their mother. Preparing for the funeral the siblings laugh, cry and bicker over past events and half-recalled memories. More info and booking...

Rondo Theatre

Price: Full £16 / Concessions £14
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Dirty Bath

Behind its beige façade, Bath is hiding a past riddled with tales of debauchery, villainy and depravity. The Natural Theatre Company invite you on a voyage through Bath’s murkier waters as they throw light on the less virtuous aspects of the city’s history. It won’t be plain sailing, but it will be very funny.

Extra info: Please note: due to social distancing regulations, we are restricted to 50% of capacity, and the easiest way to do this in the Rondo is to sell every other seat. However, if you are from the same household, you are welcome to move along the row and sit together. We will be unable to open the bar for this production, so please feel free to bring your own refreshments (and please take your rubbish with you!). Dirty Bath lasts just over an hour, and is presented without an interval.

More info and booking...

Thursday 10th June 2021

The Edge, University of Bath

Price: Free
Start time: 19:30

BUST presents

The Tempest

By William Shakespeare

Shakespeare’s last play, 'The Tempest' comes to life this Summer! Come and see the best play performed in the last year… probably… who cares it is going to be amazing! Our cast perform this short version of the classic with such brilliance, you will be left astonished and in awe! More info and booking...

Rondo Theatre

Price: Full £16 / Concessions £14
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Dirty Bath

Behind its beige façade, Bath is hiding a past riddled with tales of debauchery, villainy and depravity. The Natural Theatre Company invite you on a voyage through Bath’s murkier waters as they throw light on the less virtuous aspects of the city’s history. It won’t be plain sailing, but it will be very funny.

Extra info: Please note: due to social distancing regulations, we are restricted to 50% of capacity, and the easiest way to do this in the Rondo is to sell every other seat. However, if you are from the same household, you are welcome to move along the row and sit together. We will be unable to open the bar for this production, so please feel free to bring your own refreshments (and please take your rubbish with you!). Dirty Bath lasts just over an hour, and is presented without an interval.

More info and booking...

Friday 11th June 2021

The Edge, University of Bath

Price: Free
Start time: 14:30

BUST presents

The Tempest

By William Shakespeare

Shakespeare’s last play, 'The Tempest' comes to life this Summer! Come and see the best play performed in the last year… probably… who cares it is going to be amazing! Our cast perform this short version of the classic with such brilliance, you will be left astonished and in awe! More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £7 standard, £5 concession
Start time: 19:30

In conjunction with The Mission Theatre, BUST presents

The Importance of Being Earnest

By Oscar Wilde

Follow Jack and Algernon, two young Victorian men with a compulsion for lying, as they learn the importance of being earnest... while answering to the name of Ernest! BUST present Oscar Wilde’s classical farce, which has proven to be one of Britain’s most popular and time-enduring plays. More info and booking...

Rondo Theatre

Price: Full £16 / Concessions £14
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Dirty Bath

Behind its beige façade, Bath is hiding a past riddled with tales of debauchery, villainy and depravity. The Natural Theatre Company invite you on a voyage through Bath’s murkier waters as they throw light on the less virtuous aspects of the city’s history. It won’t be plain sailing, but it will be very funny.

Extra info: Please note: due to social distancing regulations, we are restricted to 50% of capacity, and the easiest way to do this in the Rondo is to sell every other seat. However, if you are from the same household, you are welcome to move along the row and sit together. We will be unable to open the bar for this production, so please feel free to bring your own refreshments (and please take your rubbish with you!). Dirty Bath lasts just over an hour, and is presented without an interval.

More info and booking...

Saturday 12th June 2021

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £7 standard, £5 concession
Start time: 14:00

In conjunction with The Mission Theatre, BUST presents

The Importance of Being Earnest

By Oscar Wilde

Follow Jack and Algernon, two young Victorian men with a compulsion for lying, as they learn the importance of being earnest... while answering to the name of Ernest! BUST present Oscar Wilde’s classical farce, which has proven to be one of Britain’s most popular and time-enduring plays. More info and booking...

The Edge, University of Bath

Price: Free
Start time: 19:30

BUST presents

The Tempest

By William Shakespeare

Shakespeare’s last play, 'The Tempest' comes to life this Summer! Come and see the best play performed in the last year… probably… who cares it is going to be amazing! Our cast perform this short version of the classic with such brilliance, you will be left astonished and in awe! More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £7 standard, £5 concession
Start time: 19:30

In conjunction with The Mission Theatre, BUST presents

The Importance of Being Earnest

By Oscar Wilde

Follow Jack and Algernon, two young Victorian men with a compulsion for lying, as they learn the importance of being earnest... while answering to the name of Ernest! BUST present Oscar Wilde’s classical farce, which has proven to be one of Britain’s most popular and time-enduring plays. More info and booking...

Rondo Theatre

Price: Full £16 / Concessions £14
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Dirty Bath

Behind its beige façade, Bath is hiding a past riddled with tales of debauchery, villainy and depravity. The Natural Theatre Company invite you on a voyage through Bath’s murkier waters as they throw light on the less virtuous aspects of the city’s history. It won’t be plain sailing, but it will be very funny.

Extra info: Please note: due to social distancing regulations, we are restricted to 50% of capacity, and the easiest way to do this in the Rondo is to sell every other seat. However, if you are from the same household, you are welcome to move along the row and sit together. We will be unable to open the bar for this production, so please feel free to bring your own refreshments (and please take your rubbish with you!). Dirty Bath lasts just over an hour, and is presented without an interval.

More info and booking...

Saturday 26th June 2021

The Holburne Museum - Gardens

Price: Free
Start time: 13:00

Bedlam Saturday

The United Nations Board of Significant Inspiration (UNBOSI)

The United Nations Board of Significant Inspiration (UNBOSI) is a little-known arm of the UN.
These ingenious thinkers are currently researching pockets of inspiration emanating from the ground in the form of odourless, colourless gas – and they’ve found significant amounts of it here in Bath.

Extra info: Performances take place from 1pm to 6pm

More info and booking...

Sunday 27th June 2021

Sawclose, Kingsmead Square & Bath Street

Price: Free
Start time: 13:00

Bedlam Sunday

Bath's own and only Street Theatre Festival More info and booking...

Sawclose, Kingsmead Square & Bath Street

Price: Free
Start time: 13:00

Bedlam Sunday - 16rpm in:

Rolling, rolling, rolling.

Hard up, tired and worn down in search of a party, an opening, a celebrity. Disorientated and determined, the Carpeters find their way, marking out a bold red line of chaos and confusion. More info and booking...

Sawclose, Kingsmead Square & Bath Street

Price: Free
Start time: 13:00

Bedlam Sunday - Bureau of Silly Ideas

Makers of inspired madness and controlled chaos in the public realm, The BoSI street furniture classics will, we hope, be joined by some new items fresh from the silly laboratories. More info and booking...

Saw Close

Price: Free
Start time: 13:00

Bedlam Sunday - Mufti Games

L_ve Hangman

A life-sized, 3D version of the timeless pen and paper favourite, re-imagined as a macabre light-entertainment
gameshow from the ‘70s. More info and booking...

Sawclose, Kingsmead Square & Bath Street

Price: Free
Start time: 13:00

Bedlam Sunday - Natural Theatre Company

50 years creating delicious “what did I just see?” moments on the streets of Bath - and Worldwide - the Nats are
hoping to have some new pieces for your delight and befuddlement this afternoon. More info and booking...

Friday 2nd July 2021

Rondo Theatre

Price: £15.50 - £11.50
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Flipside Productions Presents

Cut Bait

Written by Pippa Thornton & Performed by Maia Tassalini

Nina’s young, single and ready to mingle! But when she encounters a guy with a rather... engorged... ego, their casual hook-up unearths desires she never knew she had.

A brand-new comedy from the company who brought you Get F*cked, the sell-out show of Bath Fringe 2019. More info and booking...

Friday 23rd July 2021

Meet outside the Assembly Rooms

Price: £16
Start time: 18:00

Shakespeare Undone

The Natural Theatre Company has ‘unearthed’ an early work of Shakespeare, written when Will was a young whippersnapper.
Shakespeare Undone! is an immersive experience that takes you on a theatrical journey around the cobbled streets of Venice* - where the best bits of Shakespeare come to life around you!

(*aka Bath…)
More info and booking...

Meet outside the Assembly Rooms

Price: £16
Start time: 19:00

Shakespeare Undone

The Natural Theatre Company has ‘unearthed’ an early work of Shakespeare, written when Will was a young whippersnapper.
Shakespeare Undone! is an immersive experience that takes you on a theatrical journey around the cobbled streets of Venice* - where the best bits of Shakespeare come to life around you!

(*aka Bath…)
More info and booking...

Saturday 24th July 2021

Meet outside the Assembly Rooms

Price: £16
Start time: 15:00

Shakespeare Undone

The Natural Theatre Company has ‘unearthed’ an early work of Shakespeare, written when Will was a young whippersnapper.
Shakespeare Undone! is an immersive experience that takes you on a theatrical journey around the cobbled streets of Venice* - where the best bits of Shakespeare come to life around you!

(*aka Bath…)
More info and booking...

Meet outside the Assembly Rooms

Price: £16
Start time: 16:00

Shakespeare Undone

The Natural Theatre Company has ‘unearthed’ an early work of Shakespeare, written when Will was a young whippersnapper.
Shakespeare Undone! is an immersive experience that takes you on a theatrical journey around the cobbled streets of Venice* - where the best bits of Shakespeare come to life around you!

(*aka Bath…)
More info and booking...

Meet outside the Assembly Rooms

Price: £16
Start time: 18:00

Shakespeare Undone

The Natural Theatre Company has ‘unearthed’ an early work of Shakespeare, written when Will was a young whippersnapper.
Shakespeare Undone! is an immersive experience that takes you on a theatrical journey around the cobbled streets of Venice* - where the best bits of Shakespeare come to life around you!

(*aka Bath…)
More info and booking...

Meet outside the Assembly Rooms

Price: £16
Start time: 19:00

Shakespeare Undone

The Natural Theatre Company has ‘unearthed’ an early work of Shakespeare, written when Will was a young whippersnapper.
Shakespeare Undone! is an immersive experience that takes you on a theatrical journey around the cobbled streets of Venice* - where the best bits of Shakespeare come to life around you!

(*aka Bath…)
More info and booking...

Sunday 25th July 2021

Meet outside the Assembly Rooms

Price: £16
Start time: 15:00

Shakespeare Undone

The Natural Theatre Company has ‘unearthed’ an early work of Shakespeare, written when Will was a young whippersnapper.
Shakespeare Undone! is an immersive experience that takes you on a theatrical journey around the cobbled streets of Venice* - where the best bits of Shakespeare come to life around you!

(*aka Bath…)
More info and booking...

Meet outside the Assembly Rooms

Price: £16
Start time: 16:00

Shakespeare Undone

The Natural Theatre Company has ‘unearthed’ an early work of Shakespeare, written when Will was a young whippersnapper.
Shakespeare Undone! is an immersive experience that takes you on a theatrical journey around the cobbled streets of Venice* - where the best bits of Shakespeare come to life around you!

(*aka Bath…)
More info and booking...

Meet outside the Assembly Rooms

Price: £16
Start time: 18:00

Shakespeare Undone

The Natural Theatre Company has ‘unearthed’ an early work of Shakespeare, written when Will was a young whippersnapper.
Shakespeare Undone! is an immersive experience that takes you on a theatrical journey around the cobbled streets of Venice* - where the best bits of Shakespeare come to life around you!

(*aka Bath…)
More info and booking...

Meet outside the Assembly Rooms

Price: £16
Start time: 19:00

Shakespeare Undone

The Natural Theatre Company has ‘unearthed’ an early work of Shakespeare, written when Will was a young whippersnapper.
Shakespeare Undone! is an immersive experience that takes you on a theatrical journey around the cobbled streets of Venice* - where the best bits of Shakespeare come to life around you!

(*aka Bath…)
More info and booking...

Sunday 12th September 2021

Venue to be confirmed...

Price: Free
Start time: 12:00

Book Launch

Bath Arts Workshop: Counterculture in the 1970s

They thought art could change the world. Thousands joined in and things were never the same again.

'Bath Arts Workshop: Counterculture in the 1970s' will be published on September 12th 2021 by Tangent Books.

Extra info: Times are provisional at this point

More info and booking...

Friday 27th May 2022

Burdall's Yard

Price: £9
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Sarah Mills Presents


A Love Note to the NHS

In 2018 things are looking rosy for Sarah Mills. All she needs now is a fella. But instead of finding her prince, Sarah finds a surprise in her poo and discovers she can’t even trust her own BUM not to kill her. ‘Heartfelt, important, and very very funny’ (Rob Rinder). More info and booking...

Saturday 28th May 2022

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £12.50 (£10 concs £10)
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Bedivere Arts Presents

The Many Lives of Nellie Bly

by Jack Fairey

The Many Lives of Nellie Bly is a new one woman show that tells the outrageous true story of a pioneer of investigative journalism. Her exploits blazed a trail for ambitious women around the world and pushed boundaries nobody knew could be pushed.

Extra info: (Post Show Q&A)

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £9
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Sarah Mills Presents


A Love Note to the NHS

In 2018 things are looking rosy for Sarah Mills. All she needs now is a fella. But instead of finding her prince, Sarah finds a surprise in her poo and discovers she can’t even trust her own BUM not to kill her. ‘Heartfelt, important, and very very funny’ (Rob Rinder). More info and booking...

Sunday 29th May 2022

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £12.50 (£10 concs £10)
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Bedivere Arts Presents

The Many Lives of Nellie Bly

by Jack Fairey

The Many Lives of Nellie Bly is a new one woman show that tells the outrageous true story of a pioneer of investigative journalism. Her exploits blazed a trail for ambitious women around the world and pushed boundaries nobody knew could be pushed.

Extra info: Post Show Q&A

More info and booking...

Monday 30th May 2022

Sorry, this performance is cancelled.
Other performances are still taking place.

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £12.50 (£10 concs £10)
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Bedivere Arts Presents

The Many Lives of Nellie Bly

by Jack Fairey

The Many Lives of Nellie Bly is a new one woman show that tells the outrageous true story of a pioneer of investigative journalism. Her exploits blazed a trail for ambitious women around the world and pushed boundaries nobody knew could be pushed.

Extra info: Post Show Q&A

More info and booking...

Wednesday 1st June 2022

Rondo Theatre

Price: £11
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Black Hound Productions Presents

The Predicament of Jackson Scott

By Josh McGrillen

The Predicament of Jackson Scott is a dark comedy about Jackson, who after killing his boyfriend Ted, covers up his death, however a version of Ted lives on... This is a play about grief, queer relationships and secrets. More info and booking...

Friday 3rd June 2022

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10
Start time: 19:30

High Hopes: The Tour

An energetic, satirical musical comedy examining the reality of creating a performance without a budget. Using whatever they can find and with the help of some audience interaction, Ethan and Sam have high hopes they can achieve the dream of creating a great show – and have fun along the way. More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £5
Start time: 20:30
Doors open: 20:15

Jake Rayner Blair and Chris Richards in...

If it's to Break

"Your clay is put in an oven to cook and harden. It either splits, breaks... or holds. Is it up to you to decide if it's to break or if it's to hold?"
Devised by Bitterroot, If it’s to Break is a dark piece exploring self-acceptance and failure in art.

Extra info: TW: Flashing Lights and Violence

More info and booking...

Saturday 4th June 2022

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10
Start time: 19:30

High Hopes: The Tour

An energetic, satirical musical comedy examining the reality of creating a performance without a budget. Using whatever they can find and with the help of some audience interaction, Ethan and Sam have high hopes they can achieve the dream of creating a great show – and have fun along the way. More info and booking...

Rondo Theatre

Price: 11
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:25

Steven Berkoff's


Two hilarious and explosive short plays from playwright Steven Berkoff, performed back-to-back by one actor. DOG is a day in the life of a racist football hooligan and his beloved blood-thirsty pitbull terrier, Roy. ACTOR is a humorous yet poignant depiction of the trying life of a struggling artist. More info and booking...

Sunday 5th June 2022

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10
Start time: 19:30

High Hopes: The Tour

An energetic, satirical musical comedy examining the reality of creating a performance without a budget. Using whatever they can find and with the help of some audience interaction, Ethan and Sam have high hopes they can achieve the dream of creating a great show – and have fun along the way. More info and booking...

Wednesday 8th June 2022

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10 / £8 concs.
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Bristol Shakespeare Festival presents

Macbeth: The Musical

“Is this a real knife? Is this just fantasy?”
Enjoy Shakespeare's spooky tragedy like never before, as six actors deploy wittily rewritten pop classics, uproariously silly comedy, and an array of highly questionable props to recount the rise and fall of Scotland's most murdery king! More info and booking...

Rondo Theatre

Price: £11
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:00

Precarious Theatre presents

Failure Studies

By Marco Biasioli

What does it mean to succeed in our world today? Our society constantly reassures us that failure is an intermediate stage in a process that eventually leads us to happiness, but how truthful is this? If we keep trying, do we fail better, or do we fail 'worse'? More info and booking...

Thursday 9th June 2022

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10 / £8 concs.
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Bristol Shakespeare Festival presents

Macbeth: The Musical

“Is this a real knife? Is this just fantasy?”
Enjoy Shakespeare's spooky tragedy like never before, as six actors deploy wittily rewritten pop classics, uproariously silly comedy, and an array of highly questionable props to recount the rise and fall of Scotland's most murdery king! More info and booking...

Friday 10th June 2022

The Bell - Back bar

Price: £3
Start time: 18:00

The Bell Indie Comedy Club

A Night of Comedy & Ska

A night of dancing and laughing with:
The Bell Indie Players -“The Window Tax” – A comedy play about the tax that lasted 162 years and its effect on the Arts and health of the people of Bath; Ska Aerobics;
The Bellarinas – comedy dance troupe. Plus Arnold Yeah and special guests.

More info and booking...

Mary Shelley's House of Frankenstein

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:45

The Annual Immersive Event Returns!

20:20 Vision: Unbound

An evening of site specific theatre inspired by Shelly's masterpiece

After a pandemic-imposed hiatus of 2 years, Bath Fringe favourites Fake Escape are back with their beloved 20:20 Vision immersive new writing festival - this time celebrating all things Frankenstein!

Extra info: Performance is immersive and will require standing and walking

More info and booking...

Saturday 11th June 2022

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £8 / £5 concs
Start time: 14:30

Shuddersome: Tales of Poe

Adapted by Lindsay Price from Edgar Allan Poe

Spectres, ghosts and ghouls come alive in this vivid theatrical adaptation of some of Edgar Allan Poe’s best-known works, including The Tell-Tale Heart, The Raven and The Masque of the Red Death. More info and booking...

The Edge, University of Bath

Price: £8
Start time: 14:30
Doors open: 14:00

Bath University Student Musicals Society present


by Pasek and Paul and Peter Duchan

This beautiful and uplifting musical, from the writers of the Greatest Showman, takes audiences on a romantic, heartbreaking and comical journey that stays with you long after the performance. Discover how a celebration of freedom before war turns into an awkward yet charming love story. More info and booking...

The Museum of Bath at Work

Price: £8 standard, £5 concession
Start time: 19:30

A Small Affair

By Bob Larbey

This one-act comedy relates the tale of a misfortunate double-booking in the television drama department. The cast find their space is taken over by would-be contestants on an idiotic panel show, and when the Head of Drama drops into the rehearsal the drama turns into a farce... More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £8 / £5 concs
Start time: 19:30

A Night to Remember

By Holly Hinks

“A Night to Remember” is a mystery play, set in 1887, that asks you to suspend your disbelief as you watch the guests’ secrets be revealed in the most ghostly of ways. More info and booking...

The Edge, University of Bath

Price: £8
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Bath University Student Musicals Society present


by Pasek and Paul and Peter Duchan

This beautiful and uplifting musical, from the writers of the Greatest Showman, takes audiences on a romantic, heartbreaking and comical journey that stays with you long after the performance. Discover how a celebration of freedom before war turns into an awkward yet charming love story. More info and booking...

Mary Shelley's House of Frankenstein

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:45

The Annual Immersive Event Returns!

20:20 Vision: Unbound

An evening of site specific theatre inspired by Shelly's masterpiece

After a pandemic-imposed hiatus of 2 years, Bath Fringe favourites Fake Escape are back with their beloved 20:20 Vision immersive new writing festival - this time celebrating all things Frankenstein!

Extra info: Performance is immersive and will require standing and walking

More info and booking...

Sunday 12th June 2022

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £8 / £5 concs
Start time: 14:30

A Night to Remember

By Holly Hinks

“A Night to Remember” is a mystery play, set in 1887, that asks you to suspend your disbelief as you watch the guests’ secrets be revealed in the most ghostly of ways. More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £8 / £5 concs
Start time: 19:30

Shuddersome: Tales of Poe

Adapted by Lindsay Price from Edgar Allan Poe

Spectres, ghosts and ghouls come alive in this vivid theatrical adaptation of some of Edgar Allan Poe’s best-known works, including The Tell-Tale Heart, The Raven and The Masque of the Red Death. More info and booking...

The Museum of Bath at Work

Price: £8 standard, £5 concession
Start time: 19:30

A Small Affair

By Bob Larbey

This one-act comedy relates the tale of a misfortunate double-booking in the television drama department. The cast find their space is taken over by would-be contestants on an idiotic panel show, and when the Head of Drama drops into the rehearsal the drama turns into a farce... More info and booking...

The Edge, University of Bath

Price: £8
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Bath University Student Musicals Society present


by Pasek and Paul and Peter Duchan

This beautiful and uplifting musical, from the writers of the Greatest Showman, takes audiences on a romantic, heartbreaking and comical journey that stays with you long after the performance. Discover how a celebration of freedom before war turns into an awkward yet charming love story. More info and booking...

Sorry, this performance is cancelled.
Other performances are still taking place.

Mary Shelley's House of Frankenstein

Price: £10 / £8 concs
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:45

The Annual Immersive Event Returns!

20:20 Vision: Unbound

An evening of site specific theatre inspired by Shelly's masterpiece

After a pandemic-imposed hiatus of 2 years, Bath Fringe favourites Fake Escape are back with their beloved 20:20 Vision immersive new writing festival - this time celebrating all things Frankenstein!

Extra info: Performance is immersive and will require standing and walking

More info and booking...

Monday 29th May 2023

Alice Park

Price: £5 per show
Start time: 11:00
Doors open: 11:00

Bath Fringe Children's Festival

The Bath Fringe Children’s Festival is back! Half-term week in Alice Park there’s a busy schedule of shows and workshops for kids and families. Mon 29th May - Sat 3rd June 11am to 5pm every day. The week is full of magic, Alice Park is a lovely open green space you can bring the whole family and hang out for the day. Bring a picnic or get food at the cafe. There is a playground, a skate-park, a mini bike track and even tennis courts but loads of room to just hang out.

Extra info: 2 shows - at 12 noon and 2pm

More info and booking...

Tuesday 30th May 2023

Alice Park

Price: £5 per show
Start time: 11:00
Doors open: 11:00

Bath Fringe Children's Festival

The Bath Fringe Children’s Festival is back! Half-term week in Alice Park there’s a busy schedule of shows and workshops for kids and families. Mon 29th May - Sat 3rd June 11am to 5pm every day. The week is full of magic, Alice Park is a lovely open green space you can bring the whole family and hang out for the day. Bring a picnic or get food at the cafe. There is a playground, a skate-park, a mini bike track and even tennis courts but loads of room to just hang out.

Extra info: 2 shows - at 12 noon and 2pm

More info and booking...

Wednesday 31st May 2023

Alice Park

Price: £5 per show
Start time: 11:00
Doors open: 11:00

Bath Fringe Children's Festival

The Bath Fringe Children’s Festival is back! Half-term week in Alice Park there’s a busy schedule of shows and workshops for kids and families. Mon 29th May - Sat 3rd June 11am to 5pm every day. The week is full of magic, Alice Park is a lovely open green space you can bring the whole family and hang out for the day. Bring a picnic or get food at the cafe. There is a playground, a skate-park, a mini bike track and even tennis courts but loads of room to just hang out.

Extra info: 2 shows - at 12 noon and 3pm

More info and booking...

Rondo Theatre

Price: £14 / £12 concs
Start time: 20:00

A Sketch Show

by Jack & Jordan

A 75-minute chaotic journey through the minds of two dudes; Jack & Jordan, who are actors - nay, artists! And professional ones at that. Expect appearances from imaginary girlfriends, a confused Yorkshireman & the mysterious Pine Nut (what are those?) as Jack & Jordan go full silly.
And do some really good acting.
Obviously. More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £12 (£10 in advance)
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Think of a Song Productions presents:

Making a Song & Dance

'2020 Vision' & 'Bike to The Future' double-header

A unique evening of story, song and dance. We’ve been locked down, dosed up, divided and misruled. Yet our impulse to connect and be creative is as strong as ever. No matter what this life throws at us we WILL make a song and dance about it.

Extra info: The show comprises two parts '2020 Vision' improvised dance and 'Bike to The Future' songs set. There will be an interval of approximately 20 minutes between

More info and booking...

Thursday 1st June 2023

Alice Park

Price: £5 per show
Start time: 11:00
Doors open: 11:00

Bath Fringe Children's Festival

The Bath Fringe Children’s Festival is back! Half-term week in Alice Park there’s a busy schedule of shows and workshops for kids and families. Mon 29th May - Sat 3rd June 11am to 5pm every day. The week is full of magic, Alice Park is a lovely open green space you can bring the whole family and hang out for the day. Bring a picnic or get food at the cafe. There is a playground, a skate-park, a mini bike track and even tennis courts but loads of room to just hang out.

Extra info: 2 shows - at 12 noon and 3pm

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: From £11
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 18:30

by Nova Grace Productions


Choreographed by Karen Hill

From bedroom to stage. 4 contemporary dancers explore life in lockdown. See. Feel. Heal.
From the very beginning of Covid-19 lockdowns, the professional dancers of Nova Grace Productions took to Zoom to push the spatial limits of the home environment and explore life in lockdown through contemporary dance. More info and booking...

Friday 2nd June 2023

Alice Park

Price: £5 per show
Start time: 11:00
Doors open: 11:00

Bath Fringe Children's Festival

The Bath Fringe Children’s Festival is back! Half-term week in Alice Park there’s a busy schedule of shows and workshops for kids and families. Mon 29th May - Sat 3rd June 11am to 5pm every day. The week is full of magic, Alice Park is a lovely open green space you can bring the whole family and hang out for the day. Bring a picnic or get food at the cafe. There is a playground, a skate-park, a mini bike track and even tennis courts but loads of room to just hang out.

Extra info: 2 shows - at 12 noon and 2pm

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: From £11
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 18:30

by Nova Grace Productions


Choreographed by Karen Hill

From bedroom to stage. 4 contemporary dancers explore life in lockdown. See. Feel. Heal.
From the very beginning of Covid-19 lockdowns, the professional dancers of Nova Grace Productions took to Zoom to push the spatial limits of the home environment and explore life in lockdown through contemporary dance. More info and booking...

Saturday 3rd June 2023

Roper Theatre, West Wing, Hayesfield Girls School

Price: £12.50 / £10.00 concs
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

The Improvised Star Wars Show

It's A Trap!

From MissImp CiC

Dropping out of hyperspace, for one night only, 'IT'S A TRAP! The Improvised Star Wars Show' delivers hilarious unscripted tales from a galaxy far, far away. Expect a celebrated blend of Jedi, Jokes and Jawas. Geeky, hilarious entertainment. This IS the show you’re looking for. "Improv Heroes" - Metro

Extra info: This show is Improvised. Suitable for audiences 16+

More info and booking...

Sunday 4th June 2023

St Nicholas Church Field

Price: Free
Start time: 11:00

Radstock Fayre

Free Family Friendly Outdoor Arts Event with a Family Friendly Atmosphere

Come and enjoy some great street theatre, live music and spoken word from the very best local talent – along with activities and fun for all the family. Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the closure of the last coal mine in Radstock and looking ahead to a sustainable future. More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £12.00 / £10.00 concs
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:45

Remania Productions - 'Femmes du Monde'

The One and Only, the Story of Marie Lloyd

by Briony Waite

Marie Lloyd, known as 'The One and Only, Queen of Music Hall', was once one of the most famous women in Britain. This virtuoso piece, performed by Fiona Battisbee, accompanied by Freya Evans, combines a fascinating narrative with amazing songs and saucy East End wit - what’s not to love? More info and booking...

Monday 5th June 2023

Newark Works

Price: Free
Start time: 20:00

Double Bill: 'BUSHY' & 'She Doesn't Live Here Anymore'

BUSHY by The Mango Ensemble is a play about the body. A reflection on how we use it to experience the world, relationships and pleasure.

'She Doesn't Live Here Anymore' by Eryn McDonald, is a personal poetic exploration of gender dysphoria.
More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10 / £7 concs
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 18:15

Seizing The Day Company presents

Bluffing Your Way In Ballet

Beyond the tutu! Bluffing Your Way In Ballet pirouettes its fast-paced and irreverent way through the history of this most dynamic of performing arts, with stories and dances from the ballet greats including Isadora Duncan, Anna Pavlova, Vaslav Nijinsky, Marie Rambert - and Darcey Bussell!

Extra info: Come to the FREE 30 minute pre-performance dance taster at 6.30pm! For more details contact Alexandra at The Bluffing Your Way In Ballet performance starts 8pm. Minimum age 16 - the show contains adult themes and occasional use of strong language. There is no interval.

More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £12.00 / £10.00 concs
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:45

Remania Productions - 'Femmes du Monde'

The One and Only, the Story of Marie Lloyd

by Briony Waite

Marie Lloyd, known as 'The One and Only, Queen of Music Hall', was once one of the most famous women in Britain. This virtuoso piece, performed by Fiona Battisbee, accompanied by Freya Evans, combines a fascinating narrative with amazing songs and saucy East End wit - what’s not to love? More info and booking...

Tuesday 6th June 2023

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10 / £7 concs
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 18:15

Seizing The Day Company presents

Bluffing Your Way In Ballet

Beyond the tutu! Bluffing Your Way In Ballet pirouettes its fast-paced and irreverent way through the history of this most dynamic of performing arts, with stories and dances from the ballet greats including Isadora Duncan, Anna Pavlova, Vaslav Nijinsky, Marie Rambert - and Darcey Bussell!

Extra info: Come to the FREE 30 minute pre-performance dance taster at 6.30pm! For more details contact Alexandra at The Bluffing Your Way In Ballet performance starts 8pm. Minimum age 16 - the show contains adult themes and occasional use of strong language. There is no interval.

More info and booking...

Wednesday 7th June 2023

The Little Theatre Cinema - Screen 2 (Upstairs)

Price: £11 / £9 concs
Start time: 18:30
Doors open: 18:00

Fake Escape Presents

Raising Kane

Created and Performed by David Shopland as Orson Welles

Bath-raised internationally acclaimed and WhatsOnStage nominated writer/director David Shopland returns to the stage after a decade to portray the iconic Orson Welles. Witness the story behind the greatest motion picture ever made as fact and fantasy inevitably collide in glorious black and white. More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10 / £7 concs
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 18:15

Seizing The Day Company presents

Bluffing Your Way In Ballet

Beyond the tutu! Bluffing Your Way In Ballet pirouettes its fast-paced and irreverent way through the history of this most dynamic of performing arts, with stories and dances from the ballet greats including Isadora Duncan, Anna Pavlova, Vaslav Nijinsky, Marie Rambert - and Darcey Bussell!

Extra info: Come to the FREE 30 minute pre-performance dance taster at 6.30pm! For more details contact Alexandra at The Bluffing Your Way In Ballet performance starts 8pm. Minimum age 16 - the show contains adult themes and occasional use of strong language. There is no interval.

More info and booking...

Thursday 8th June 2023

Sorry, this performance is cancelled.
Other performances are still taking place.
Sorry, this event is cancelled

Rondo Theatre

Price: £14 / £12 concs
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:15

Maple Leaf Theatre Presents

Human Nature

Written & Directed By Scott Jerram

Set in 1985, Human Nature follows the events of the cold war had it ended in nuclear bombing. The story focuses on Aiden and Evie, two of the few survivors, as they discover what it means to be human in this new world born out of fire. Suitable for ages 14+

Extra info: 14+

More info and booking...

Friday 9th June 2023

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: Adults £8, Students/Concs £5
Start time: 14:30
Doors open: 14:00

Bath University Student Theatre

The Red Shoes

This adaptation of Hans Christian Anderson's tale follows a young girl as she is gifted a pair of red shoes that curse her to always dance, and examines the price we pay to dance our own dance. More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: Adults £8, Students/Concs £5
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Bath University Student Theatre

A Room with an Interview

Student-written play by Bath University Student Theatre: 8 candidates attend an interview for a marketing position, where, through comedic misunderstandings and conflict, two of them grow from friends into something more... More info and booking...

The Edge, University of Bath

Price: Adults £8, Students/Concs £5
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Bath University Student Theatre


Student-written play by Bath University Student Theatre: When a newspaper company is going bankrupt, decisions about pay cuts divide the workforce and force them to confront their own issues in this life-size game of chess. More info and booking...

Rondo Theatre

Price: £14 / £12 concs
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Really Truly Theatre Presents

Celebrate Me

A new play by Polly Lamb

Behind the party balloons 92-year-old Barbara has a secret which could shake up the relationships of six women for good. Find out where the pieces fall in this engaging, funny and moving and new comedy drama about the power, pain and beauty of the freedom to choose.

Extra info: Some adult language and content

More info and booking...

Saturday 10th June 2023

St Swithins Church - In the garden

Price: £6
Start time: 12:30
Doors open: 12:00

DoDo Dramatics Presents

Queen of the East

Monty Python meets Horrible Histories; a puppetry adventure.

DoDo Dramatics, the UK’s first zero-waste puppetry performance company, presents another award-winning, family-friendly musical. Queen of the East is a faraway Ancient Egyptian adventure of music, mythology, and misleading puppets. Join history’s most legendary leaders, Cleopatra VII, Julius Cesar, and Marc Antony, on a voyage of discovery, whose story can we trust, and whose lives must be lost?

Extra info: Outdoor performance/ Suitable for all ages

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: Adults £8, Students/Concs £5
Start time: 14:30
Doors open: 14:00

Bath University Student Theatre

A Room with an Interview

Student-written play by Bath University Student Theatre: 8 candidates attend an interview for a marketing position, where, through comedic misunderstandings and conflict, two of them grow from friends into something more... More info and booking...

The Edge, University of Bath

Price: £8 / £5 Student
Start time: 14:30
Doors open: 14:00

BUSMS presents

Bonnie and Clyde

At the height of the Great Depression, Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow went from two small-town nobodies to America's most renowned folk heroes. Fearless, shameless, and alluring, the legendary Frank Wildhorn’s show is the electrifying story of love, adventure and crime that captured the attention of an entire country. More info and booking...

St Swithins Church - In the garden

Price: £6
Start time: 14:30
Doors open: 14:00

DoDo Dramatics Presents

Queen of the East

Monty Python meets Horrible Histories; a puppetry adventure.

DoDo Dramatics, the UK’s first zero-waste puppetry performance company, presents another award-winning, family-friendly musical. Queen of the East is a faraway Ancient Egyptian adventure of music, mythology, and misleading puppets. Join history’s most legendary leaders, Cleopatra VII, Julius Cesar, and Marc Antony, on a voyage of discovery, whose story can we trust, and whose lives must be lost?

Extra info: Outdoor performance/ Suitable for all ages

More info and booking...

St Swithins Church - In the garden

Price: £6
Start time: 16:30
Doors open: 16:00

DoDo Dramatics Presents

Queen of the East

Monty Python meets Horrible Histories; a puppetry adventure.

DoDo Dramatics, the UK’s first zero-waste puppetry performance company, presents another award-winning, family-friendly musical. Queen of the East is a faraway Ancient Egyptian adventure of music, mythology, and misleading puppets. Join history’s most legendary leaders, Cleopatra VII, Julius Cesar, and Marc Antony, on a voyage of discovery, whose story can we trust, and whose lives must be lost?

Extra info: Outdoor performance/ Suitable for all ages

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: Adults £8, Students/Concs £5
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Bath University Student Theatre

The Red Shoes

This adaptation of Hans Christian Anderson's tale follows a young girl as she is gifted a pair of red shoes that curse her to always dance, and examines the price we pay to dance our own dance. More info and booking...

The Edge, University of Bath

Price: Adults £8, Students/Concs £5
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Bath University Student Theatre


Student-written play by Bath University Student Theatre: When a newspaper company is going bankrupt, decisions about pay cuts divide the workforce and force them to confront their own issues in this life-size game of chess. More info and booking...

The Edge, University of Bath

Price: £8 / £5 Student
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

BUSMS presents

Bonnie and Clyde

At the height of the Great Depression, Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow went from two small-town nobodies to America's most renowned folk heroes. Fearless, shameless, and alluring, the legendary Frank Wildhorn’s show is the electrifying story of love, adventure and crime that captured the attention of an entire country. More info and booking...

Newark Works

Price: £10/8
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:15

Fake Escape Presents

20:20 Vision X

The Hit Immersive Event Returns for its 10th Anniversary

72 Hours. No Script. Whatever Happens, Happens.

For 20:20 Vision's 10th Anniversary, 'Bath's Favourite Immersive Company' Fake Escape return to the fringe with their most ambitious project; create a fully realised new play in 3 days. Taking over a secret location, this will be a completely unique experience never to be repeated. More info and booking...

Rondo Theatre

Price: £16 / £14 concs
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Boorish Trumpson

By Claire Parry

Boorish Trumpson is your rehearsal-conductor. YOU are the orchestra. #MakeMusicGreatAgain.
An interactive, music and clowning-filled interrogation of power and those who wield it, from critically acclaimed Lecoq-trained clown Claire Parry.
“Mesmerising clowning and physicality” Express
“Incredibly unique and a whole lot of fun” Bookmarks & Stages
“Unmissable” Everything Theatre More info and booking...

Sunday 11th June 2023

The Edge, University of Bath

Price: £8 / £5 Student
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

BUSMS presents

Bonnie and Clyde

At the height of the Great Depression, Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow went from two small-town nobodies to America's most renowned folk heroes. Fearless, shameless, and alluring, the legendary Frank Wildhorn’s show is the electrifying story of love, adventure and crime that captured the attention of an entire country. More info and booking...

Friday 24th May 2024

The Sophie Cameron Theatre, The Royal High School

Price: £10
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Royal High Bath presents

A Sudden Violent Burst of Rain

By Sami Ibrahim

Elif shears sheep for a rich landowner. Every other waking hour she spends queuing outside the palace, hoping that the King will let her live within the city walls. She comes from a faraway land. She is searching for sanctuary. And this is what we call a 'hostile environment'. More info and booking...

Sunday 26th May 2024

Burdall's Yard

Price: £15
Start time: 19:00
Doors open: 18:50

A Succulent Theatre production

NASTY: 'big' girls being gross, mean and sexy

in association with Harlow Playhouse

'Big' girls being gross, mean and sexy!
This autobiographical, confessional piece guides the audience through the experiences of two ‘big’ women (Amy and Rio) and showcases the battles they’ve had with body image, eating habits, bodily functions and compulsive need for self-pleasure! Some stories are funny, some stories are strange, some might make you shed a tear.

Extra info: trigger warning delivered at start of show - specific references to eating disorders, self-harm, sex and includes the use of strong language

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £13
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Based on Bram Stoker's Dracula

The Demeter

Boogie Nachts Theatre

After a sell-out run, Boogie Nachts Theatre beckons you aboard the hilariously macabre tale of Dracula’s journey to England.

Out in the North Sea, a crew of miscreant sailors are left to confront the growing evil that looms over them: English Imperialism! Plus someone keeps biting them on the neck. For some reason. More info and booking...

Monday 27th May 2024

Burdall's Yard

Price: £15
Start time: 19:00
Doors open: 18:50

A Succulent Theatre production

NASTY: 'big' girls being gross, mean and sexy

in association with Harlow Playhouse

'Big' girls being gross, mean and sexy!
This autobiographical, confessional piece guides the audience through the experiences of two ‘big’ women (Amy and Rio) and showcases the battles they’ve had with body image, eating habits, bodily functions and compulsive need for self-pleasure! Some stories are funny, some stories are strange, some might make you shed a tear.

Extra info: trigger warning delivered at start of show - specific references to eating disorders, self-harm, sex and includes the use of strong language

More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £13
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Based on Bram Stoker's Dracula

The Demeter

Boogie Nachts Theatre

After a sell-out run, Boogie Nachts Theatre beckons you aboard the hilariously macabre tale of Dracula’s journey to England.

Out in the North Sea, a crew of miscreant sailors are left to confront the growing evil that looms over them: English Imperialism! Plus someone keeps biting them on the neck. For some reason. More info and booking...

Tuesday 28th May 2024

Sorry, this performance is cancelled.
Other performances are still taking place.
Sorry, this event is cancelled

Burdall's Yard

Price: £10
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Souvenir. Sorry, event CANCELLED

A mother’s grief: an absurd conspiracy

Part inspired by events following the Lockerbie air disaster, Souvenir tells the story of Audrey, coming to terms with the loss of her daughter, killed in the bombing. Audrey struggles with memories of their difficult relationship and with growing confusions as conspiracies arise as to why the plane was blown up. More info and booking...

Wednesday 29th May 2024

Chapel Arts Centre

Price: Adv £15 / Door £17 Note: A 5% booking fee will be added to all bookings An e-ticket will be sent to you via email, once your payment has been processed.
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

Tim Arnold in

Super Connected LIVE

Produced and presented by The Tim Arnold Company

Is it time to break up with our phones?

A stage adaptation of the critically acclaimed album by indie rock polymath Tim Arnold, ‘Super Connected LIVE’ is a Black Mirror-esque show fusing film, live music, theatre and the ticking time bomb of social media & big tech.

Extra info: Please arrive 1/2 hour before the show starts. Latecomers may not be admitted. Lock your phones in our pouches, pocket them, & break free from the digital grind before the show!

More info and booking...

Thursday 30th May 2024

New Oriel Hall

Price: £5 per show
Start time: 11:00

Bath Fringe Children's Festival

With Dave Hickory, Lucy Lost It and Mr Marvel

Jimmy Mc & friends invite you along for a family day of performances and workshops including clowns, circus skills, theatre, puppets, magic, balloon modelling and all the usual mayhem. Check & for further updates. More info and booking...

Friday 31st May 2024

New Oriel Hall

Price: £5 per show
Start time: 11:00

Bath Fringe Children's Festival

With The Funky Puppet Show, Mad Pete and Johnny G’s family disco

Jimmy Mc & friends invite you along for a family day of performances and workshops including clowns, circus skills, theatre, puppets, magic, balloon modelling and all the usual mayhem More info and booking...

The Grapes - Pocock's Living Room

Price: £10
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

No but... Where are you really from?

By Monique Eleanor

No, but...Where are you really from? Is a series of seven spoken word poems that explore race, identity and home.
Through these spoken word poems come and immerse yourself in a dramatised performance that examines the complexity that is blackness, and doesn’t shy away from exploring joy in times of grief and finding home wherever you are. More info and booking...

Sunday 2nd June 2024

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £8.50
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

A BLADUD Productions Performance

Speaking Of Witch

In 17th-Century England, hopeless witchfinder Thomas Braddock, under pressure from the corrupt Witchfinder General, Matthew Hopkins, seeks the last witch for the King's birthday, lest he find himself tied to the stake. With assistants Isaac and Catherine, he must search high and low in this brand-new comedy from BLADUD Productions. More info and booking...

Monday 3rd June 2024

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £8.50
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

A BLADUD Productions Performance

Speaking Of Witch

In 17th-Century England, hopeless witchfinder Thomas Braddock, under pressure from the corrupt Witchfinder General, Matthew Hopkins, seeks the last witch for the King's birthday, lest he find himself tied to the stake. With assistants Isaac and Catherine, he must search high and low in this brand-new comedy from BLADUD Productions. More info and booking...

Tuesday 4th June 2024

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £16 / £14 Concs, plus ticketsource booking fee
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:10

Fighting High Productions

The Valentine Letters

by Steve Darlow

The Valentine Letters is an enthralling new play based upon the Second World War correspondence between Royal Air Force airman and Prisoner of War John Valentine and his wife Ursula.

Extra info: Concessionary price tickets are for: full-time students, over 65s, registered unwaged, under 18s and Equity Members. Please bring proof of status. Suitable for 12+

More info and booking...

Wednesday 5th June 2024

Rondo Theatre

Price: Full £15 / Conc £12
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Dot dot dot Theatre

Dot, the Faun and the Elfin Child

An exciting new play by Sally Whyte directed by the legendary June Trask

One hot pandemic summer Dot (or Dorothy), confined to her garden, is pondering her lack of midlife achievement as she researches the lives of some of the other Dorothys gone before her. Her clever daughter, revolting against the rigours of home education, is caught up in her own mythological world. More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £16 / £14 Concs, plus ticketsource booking fee
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:10

Fighting High Productions

The Valentine Letters

by Steve Darlow

The Valentine Letters is an enthralling new play based upon the Second World War correspondence between Royal Air Force airman and Prisoner of War John Valentine and his wife Ursula.

Extra info: Concessionary price tickets are for: full-time students, over 65s, registered unwaged, under 18s and Equity Members. Please bring proof of status. Suitable for 12+

More info and booking...

Thursday 6th June 2024

Burdall's Yard

Price: £10
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

The Folk Bus presents

Celtic Tides

Performance storytelling and folk music, with Oliver Lavery and Tamsin Quin

Set sail with us in a ship of Myth, song and story; exploring traditional folklore from these Celtic shores. Expect Welsh witches, Cornish Tricksters, Irish pirates, shapeshifting seal women, and journeys across the sea into the Otherworld.

Performance storytelling with a comedic twist. With Storyteller Oliver Lavery and Folk musician Tamsin Quin. More info and booking...

Friday 7th June 2024

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10 Adults, £6 Concessions
Start time: 14:30
Doors open: 14:00

Bath University Student Theatre presents


by Tom Hardman

'Meltdown' follows the journey of a young person coming to terms with their recent autism diagnosis and how it has affected their relationships. This show reminds us all of the importance of accepting ourselves and others, and of celebrating the things that make us unique. More info and booking...

The Edge, University of Bath

Price: £10 Adults, £6 Concessions
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Bath University Student Theatre presents

All My Love

by Charlie Eade and Lucy Taylor

A deeply moving self-written student show about the impacts of WW2 on all types of relationships, with a particular focus on familial bonds. This show will be performing at the University of Bath on the 7th and 8th June 2024. More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10 Adults, £6 Concessions
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Bath University Student Theatre presents

Collected Grimm Tales

by Tim Supple and Carol Anne Duffy

An anthology of various fairy tales, based on the Grimm’s brothers’ versions of the old stories. This is a fun and fascinating show that will delight and entertain, with classic tales that might have taken a darker turn… More info and booking...

Sorry, this performance is cancelled.
Other performances are still taking place.
Sorry, this event is cancelled

Rondo Theatre

Price: Full £14 / Conc £10
Start time: 20:00
Doors open: 19:30

This event has been postponed until the 1st November 2024

Let’s Unpack That. Sorry, event POSTPONED

By Tiffany Rhodes, Black Dog Productions

Ever looked back on the dumb things you thought as a teenager and cringed? Of course you have. And now’s your chance to laugh at someone else’s misfortunes.

The year is 2007. Floppy fringes are all the rage, sexy vampires are everywhere, and 11-year-old Tiff is furiously scribbling in her diary. About music, about boys, and about all the things that confuse and frustrate her. A hilarious and harrowing glimpse into the mind of a teenage goth. More info and booking...

Saturday 8th June 2024

Newark Works

Price: Free
Start time: 11:00

The Laconic Badger Labyrinth - A Collective Meditation

Created by Hal Camplin

Labyrinths engage a meditative part of the brain there is no puzzle to solve - you go in you go out. This may help people find some open creative state.

Barry the Badger will be alongside to support the process! A modern day half man half animal with some mythical past.
More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10 Adults, £6 Concessions
Start time: 14:30
Doors open: 14:00

Bath University Student Theatre presents

Collected Grimm Tales

by Tim Supple and Carol Anne Duffy

An anthology of various fairy tales, based on the Grimm’s brothers’ versions of the old stories. This is a fun and fascinating show that will delight and entertain, with classic tales that might have taken a darker turn… More info and booking...

Burdall's Yard

Price: £12
Start time: 19:30

Helen Wood presents

The Foraging Fan Club

A feel-good comedy

Join Helen Wood as she heads into the great outdoors on her quest to become an expert forager. In this quirky, feel-good comedy all aspects of foraging are unearthed and celebrated – the challenges, the dangers and the joy of discovering a new type of berry to turn into jam. More info and booking...

The Edge, University of Bath

Price: £10 Adults, £6 Concessions
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Bath University Student Theatre presents

All My Love

by Charlie Eade and Lucy Taylor

A deeply moving self-written student show about the impacts of WW2 on all types of relationships, with a particular focus on familial bonds. This show will be performing at the University of Bath on the 7th and 8th June 2024. More info and booking...

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £10 Adults, £6 Concessions
Start time: 19:30
Doors open: 19:00

Bath University Student Theatre presents


by Tom Hardman

'Meltdown' follows the journey of a young person coming to terms with their recent autism diagnosis and how it has affected their relationships. This show reminds us all of the importance of accepting ourselves and others, and of celebrating the things that make us unique. More info and booking...

Sunday 9th June 2024

The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium

Price: £9 / £7 Concs
Start time: 14:30
Doors open: 13:45

Destination: 'Old Hag'

Written by & Starring: Bridget Hardy, Penny Rossano, and Samantha Houston

A tale of life backstage before going on stage. Here, you will find the 'Ladies of the Chorus' getting ready for opening night of Verdi's Macbetto. Told by witches. With music.
*There are only 3 Witches due to budgetary constraints. More info and booking...